View Full Version : Joined the ranks

04-05-12, 17:40
Well, I finally gave up. After weeks of trying to cope, I've been signed-off work with anxiety and have started on sertraline with diazepam backup. First proper CBT next week.

What on earth happens now?

eternally optimistic
04-05-12, 18:26

Firstly the being signed off work will give you a rest you probably need and hopefully the meds will help you on your way.

CBT is very helpful for loads of people.

So, I reckon, you are on your way, in the right direction.

Good luck with the CBT.


04-05-12, 22:40
Cheers Jackie. You are very kind.

04-05-12, 23:05
Sometimes you just need time to recover so don't see it as a bad thing, good luck with your CBT.

10-05-12, 16:51
I took a turn for the worse and now feel hopeless and helpless.

My CBT therapist is referring me to the mental health team! Not really sure what that will entail. Gulp!

18-05-12, 09:58
Well, today is the first day that I haven't slept for 20 hours so, looking up(!)

18-05-12, 14:09

Don't see it as a kick in the nuts that you've been signed off, see it as some time to be able to reboost yourself and get yourself back to a place that you've always wanted to be.

I've been signed off of work too with anxiety/depression and I'm doing lots with my day to get myself back up again.

You'll be okay.

All the best,

18-05-12, 19:17
Thanks B. what've you been doing? I can't think of much to do.

18-05-12, 20:18
The only way is up!!!!!!
You have conquered your deamons before, you have something to aim for, you can do it again.
Keep the faith.:D