View Full Version : Help please

04-05-12, 18:30
Hello everyone, I am currently a 25 year old girl crippled by hypochondria. The worst part of it is, I was not always like this; it started last summer when my mom got into a car accident. From that moment on,I have been a wreck diagnosing myself with lung cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer and lymphoma. I am a college student and I often find it hard to concentrate when I have papers and things to do because I am too busy googling symptoms.

My most recent ailment is kidney disease, this one has me really scared. On an average day I urinate about every half hour, this includes getting up in the middle of the night to go about every two hours. This started about a month ago and I am petrified that my kidneys are failing. I have no idea what to do and have a serious case of white coat syndrome- I have a panic attack as soon as a walk into my doctors office so I'm scared to get a urinalysis because I think they are going to confirm my worst fear. I am already picturing myself on dialysis. My boyfriend and my mother are running out of patience with me and I feel like I have no where to turn.

Thank you for reading I know it was long.

04-05-12, 18:52
i used to be like you sweetie long time ago now i used to buy all magazines, spend everyday in the library,reading everything about the latest pain i had , i was at my doctor constantly such a wreck i became. But let me tell you, you will conquer your scared feelings it might take a while like it did for me but now i never worry ever about my health, my worry is for other things in life and i am still trying to lose them , and i will beat that .
