View Full Version : Really Need Reassurance

05-05-12, 07:43
I haven't had a PA for a long time and thought I was physically cured but I had about half a bottle of wine last night and now i feel awful

My husband is at work, I have 2 young children to look after and have next to no sleep, I have been making myself sick, I have diarohea *sp and feel really ropey,

I know its the alcohol but I am getting myself worked up and I am feeling really awful, the heart palps are here, the dizziness and my overall stress levels high, its all I am thinking about.

I have had a bath and tried a bite to eat so far all useless

05-05-12, 08:44
Hi Frankie,

You're right - it'll be the alcohol. The same sometimes happens to me. Make sure you drink plenty of water as dehydration is a big factor and try to distract yourself the best you can. You were ok before and it will definitely pass.

Pip xx

05-05-12, 08:49
Thanks Pip that is what I mean I dont know why I dont learnt that alcohol and PA just don't mix

I have dried drinking but keep throwing up, so i thought writing on here might distract me and it seems to be working, its coming in waves where i feel good then feel bad

I will get through today x

05-05-12, 08:59
Hi - you're obviously doing all the right things. It sounds like you might have a bit of a hangover going on at the same time. Easier said than done, I know, but try to have a quiet morning and do something you like - favourite TV programme, book, go for a walk etc. You'll soon be feeling much better.

:welcome: btw, I noticed you've just joined. Think about posting an intro and telling us all a bit about yourself. Might also be a good distraction..

Pip x

05-05-12, 09:27
I am an old member but can't seem to access my account so have had to set up a new one, I will deffo but an intro on as things have changed since I last came on here

Hangovers officially suck x

05-05-12, 10:10
You need tiny sips of water or a hot sweet cup of tea and try to nibble on some toast. Any chance you can get the children out for a walk or to the park? Some fresh air and getting out may help, rather than feeling 'stuck in' and hungover with the kids.

The only good part of a hangover is going to bed that night knowing it'll all be better when you wake up tomorrow :D