View Full Version : www.panicfree.co.nz

07-07-06, 02:53
hi i found a website www.panicfree.co.nz its run by a man who has a clinic in new zealand where he cures people from anxiety by using claire weekes method.i bought his programme and im now recovering very well i know anxiety inside out.i read claire weekes book self help for your nerves so i was already familiar with the programme.but all of claire weekes books contain additional info which is necessary for you to recover.the programme incorporates all of claire weekes teachings into one.the man who runs the site also helps you over the phone.even if you dont buy the programme i highly recommend you ring him or email him.good luck

john j. mcgreal

07-07-06, 11:46
Hi John,

Thanks for this as I'm a big Claire Weekes fan myself.

Take Care

