View Full Version : really trying to not search the internet ....

05-05-12, 14:29
Sorry for posting about this again ... I have done the worst and googled, so now I am trying to stop myself in the process from continuing to google. I can't get over this:

Flat red blotchy rash that comes and goes ... usually with heat, stress, tight clothing but not always.

Shows up on my chest, arms, and legs ... most common is chest, forearms, and lower calves - which scares me, as lots with lymphoma say there was a rash on their lower legs.

Itchiness whether or not the rash is there.

Started with a virus a month ago, had cbc done and tested for rheumatic factors or w/e that means, doc didn't give me results but said the results led him to believe i had a virus.

I feel better but I still have this rash showing up and some itchiness everywhere. Why???

I have seasonal allergies, those have been bad the past few weeks, so taking benedryl in addition to my zyrtec but doesn't seem to be helping much. Also am allergic to everything in my home. Could it be an allergic reaction? There are no raised bumps though, flat and red only.

Ugh please if anybody can reassure me I just need to get through the weekend until my doctor's appointment on Monday. My fiance is so sick of me freaking out. I am convinced it is awful and can't get it out of my head.

05-05-12, 14:46
Flat red blotchy rash that comes and goes ... usually with heat, stress, tight clothing but not always.

I have seasonal allergies, those have been bad the past few weeks, so taking benedryl in addition to my zyrtec but doesn't seem to be helping much. Also am allergic to everything in my home. Could it be an allergic reaction? There are no raised bumps though, flat and red only.

:bighug1:Hey, I know its hard but googling really isn't helping your state of mind but I don't really think I need to tell you this. I believe wholeheartedly that you have self diagnosed that its either allergic reaction or as you say heat rash or stress related.
I appreciate the mind plays all sorts of tricks to reasons behind oddities but its really is just irrational thinking and i'm sure you're fine.
Continue with the anti histamines and drink lots of fluids and take some vitamins to give you a booster.
Try to chill and relax and stay away from google.

God bless and know you are amongst friends and compassionate people.


05-05-12, 15:52
Thanks for your response. I know you're right, deep down. I am so frustrated and am at my wits end honestly. I was traumatized losing my mom last year to a rare cancer that went undiagnosed and asymptomatic for years. I have tried therapy, EMDR, and a light anxiety med to use as needed as I really really did not want to do strong meds. I feel like none of it is working.

I hate being this way. I beat myself up (figuratively, not literally) over how I act and how it affects my relationship.

I think getting engaged has made it worse, as I am really missing my mom throughout wedding planning and thinking about what happened to her. Mother's day coming up doesn't help either. There has definitely been a correlation between my anxiety and significant dates regarding my mom.

I just wish I could get this under control :weep: