View Full Version : anaemia very scared

05-05-12, 15:09
please could someone help had routine blood tests and was called back am low in iron and hb is 10.9 am now working myself up into a right state convinced i have some kind of cancer already suffer with panic and anxiety but this is a whole new level please help:weep::weep:

05-05-12, 15:48
Its quite difficult to say without knowing more but there are many causes of anaemia, especially in women it can be due to heavy periods. Are you having any other symptoms? i think you would have other symptoms if you had anything terrible. I would be in a state too as I worry about everything health related but it usually turns out to be ok. Has the doctor asked you to go back? Take care and try and distract yourself - I find that's the best thing to do when really anxious

05-05-12, 17:45
no other symptoms really just been a bit tired and lethargic although am now interpreting everything into a bad sign have to do a stool test and take iron tabs then have it checked again in a month dont kn ow how im going to be able to function with this level of anxiety

05-05-12, 17:58
Hi - I was diagnosed with anaemia few years back now prescribed iron tabs and did the trick.

There is nothing to worry about - very common in women re heavy periods, etc, try and eat and well balanced diet rich in iron, etc. I no longer take iron tabs now as ok in that department.

Have you been feeling tired, etc?

05-05-12, 17:59
10.5 is very borderline for anaemia in a woman and its 11 in a man. I think if the doctor was really worried he would have referred you for some more tests. The anaemia will make you feel tired and lethargic. Do try to keep calm (I'm a fine one to talk!). I really do know how you feel - I too was worried about bowel cancer a few weeks ago and had tummy symptoms. I also had to do a stool test and it came back fine.I really hope and believe you will be ok

05-05-12, 18:00
sorry see you have been - try not to worry - very common and it is not a form of cancer so wipe that from your mind.

05-05-12, 18:07
he did mention the possibility of an endoscopy which totally freaked me out so he then said the stool test and to review after a month on the iron tablets he tried to be reassuring but i have got myself in a proper state driving my husband crazy:weep:

05-05-12, 18:46
Hi there my daughter who is vegetarian frequently has a reading of 8/9. It really isnt a sign of anything else, you would have such obvious other symptoms if you had somethng serious and a lower count. Anaemia is very very common. xx

05-05-12, 20:04
thank you i know im being stupid but my mind just wont shut down every possible catastrophe is in there going round and round am driving myself insane

05-05-12, 20:11
Honestly, you will be fine and it will be simple anaemia i have experienced the other side and the sort of thing you are worrying about. It is very easily detected from that blood test and and there would be an immediate call back literally a call from the hospital to return. Anaemia alone is not a concern and when you are treated for it you will feel a lot less anxious and tired :)

05-05-12, 20:11
hi thanks i know im just being silly but cannot stop negative thoughts going round and round constantly just dont know how to stay positive am driving myself insane

06-05-12, 09:33
i just cant make my mind shut down am sat here crying my heart out so scared and unhappy dont know what to do

06-05-12, 10:22
Hi there try and remember they wouldnt leave you a month to be retested for anything serious, you have anaemia whch is very common and that is the procedure for anaemia it isnt the procedure for anything else x

06-05-12, 10:33
You are not being silly - anxiety is very real. This time last week I was in exactly the same situation as you but with a different issue. I was crying all the time, driving husband and family mad etc. In the end I decided the anxiety was no good for my health and phoned the out of hours doctor - anxiety is a valid reason to do this. They were really great and were able to reassure me. Why don't you give your out of hours doc a call and explain how anxious you are feeling and ask them to explain what could be going on and the reason why you have been asked to wait a month etc. They may be able to reassure you a bit. Take care x

06-05-12, 12:39
thankyou am really trying to focus on what you said and they wouldnt just leave me a month am going to try and see my gp again on tuesday for some more reassurance i feel so silly when getting in a state with family ect but they dont understand how my panic and anxiety disorder goes into overdrive when anything remotely threatening appears it helps to know you understand x:weep:

07-05-12, 13:39
feeling even worse today have had very little sleep cant eat and had to go to work which was awful just wanted to be at home am now convinced i have cancer of the oesophogus have been looking online i know i shouldnt but nowhere else to turn

07-05-12, 13:55
Hi go back and look at everything people have said to you about anaemia and try and believe it. Anyone can take one symptom from thousands of illnesses cant they and think they have it ? you lose your sense of taste with a cold but it doesnt mean you have another illness where you lose your sense of taste ? take care x

07-05-12, 18:49
thankyou but nothing is working at the moment cannot sleep eat function for constant bad thoughts going round and round am going back to th doctors tomorrow but dont know what even he can say that will pull me out of this spiral:weep: