View Full Version : Alone and need help and support, please

05-05-12, 15:42
Hi Everyone,

I'm not really sure where to post this, so apologies if it's in the wrong section.

Right now I feel so alone, down and confused. I suffer from Depression, Panic, General Anxiety, Health Anxiety and OCD. I've been in therapy for a few months now and it's come about that there are an awful lot of issues to deal with. My head is just all over the place right now. I don't get out much and have lost contact with all my friends by pushing them away and not going to any events. I'm not close to my family, but do see my dad now and again. I'm not working, due to all this mess going on, so don't have any work colleagues or a daily routine. I am in a relationship and live with my partner, but feel that it's coming to an end and I am considering ending it. There is no love there anymore and I don't get any support, which may actually be contributing to this whole mess. If I do leave, I have nowhere to go, I can't move in with my dad and I haven't seen my friends in a very long time, so can't ask them for help. Financially I would'nt be able to live on my own and it would be difficult finding somewhere as I have a dog. I don't want to rehome him as he's my only companion right now. I feel so confused, alone and trapped and could really do with a nice big warm hug right now. Any advice and suport would be appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read


:unsure: :weep:

05-05-12, 16:06
Whatever you decide to do in the end, just make sure you have thought it through properly in a moment when you feel as calm and relaxed as you can be. At times when anxiety is very strong and maybe combined with depression, it is sometimes difficult and perfectly normal to have a lack of feelings for people close to us. Just make your decision not in a rush, take your time.

05-05-12, 16:10
What a horrible situation to be in.
I suffer from similar mental health problems to yourself.
Is there another family member that you can confide in, perhaps if you explain the difficulties you are having with your relationship, they may be able to put you up for a while, until you can find somewhere to live.
Or, can you ask your partner to leave?
What about going to your council offices and getting on the housing list, that is a long shot though, because you already have somewhere to live, they will only re-home you if you have been made homeless, or if you are on the highest rate of Dissability Benefit, which I know is practically impossible in this day and age, depression/anxiety is way down on their list.
You need to find a person you can trust to talk things over with.

05-05-12, 19:23
Thank you both for your replies. I've decided to take your advice Konrad and not rush into things. There are things I need to tell my partner though, I can't bottle them up any longer, so I've decided to write them down in a letter.

Bobbydog, there is no other family members I can live with and If my partner did move out I couldn't afford to live here on my own. I will register on the housing list, but like you said I very doubt anything will come up because I am not homeless. As for the disability benefit I'm not receiving it, but I am seeing an advisor this week to apply for ESA as there is no way I can look for work right now nevermind hold down a job.

I wish it was so much easier. I do see my therapist next week, so will discuss it with them.

Thanks again for your replies.

Take care


05-05-12, 20:52
Speak to your therapist, things may become a lot clearer once you can speak freely about your difficulties, to someone who is impartial.
take care

06-05-12, 08:16
I don't know if this is good advice but I'd sugesst just getting back out there. Make yourself little goals, do one little thing e.g. go out to the shop if you don't usually go.
Think about it before hand write down your worries and some positive thoughts to keep you going. After it write down how well you did.
You can only take it a step at a time.
I got this idea for the exposure work mentioned in a book about anxiety I read.
Take it easy, be patient with yourself and I wish you all the best
take care

06-05-12, 23:43
Hi, I can identify with your situation as live in my boyfriend's flat and things were not great and I was thinking what to do if I need to move out. There may be some charities that could help and give advice, at least Shelter deals with housing things and of course CAB can give you general advice on benefits etc. You must also be entitled to benefits that will enable you to move if you need to. Do what is best for you in the long run but I agree do not rush into anything as when you feel anxious etc you may not be in the right frame of mind to make a decision you will be happy with in a couple of months' time. Take care now.

08-05-12, 22:07
Hi Jen,

Thank you, that sounds like some really good advice. It will get me out doing things for a start, which I really want to do. I might start with setting myself some little goals in the house too, as that is becoming quite difficult at the moment. I do lack a bit of patience, but I suppose that's something I'll have to get over. lol.

Thank you also Marj. I'll probably have a look around on the internet, get some ideas and maybe when I start getting out more have some plans in place, just so I've got some backups. I won't rush into anything and take it steady.

I guess sometimes everything just gets too much that you can't cope and feel like running away from it all (but physically impossible, lol, which makes it even worse)

Thank you everyone for your advice, it means a lot.

Take care
