View Full Version : Teeth damn things

05-05-12, 17:56
On bottom few teeth have noticed black marks I have no
Noticed that is the area i don't brush as much as their crooked their it's awkward not worried about health but the pain from decay also the chance of it reducing my looks and then not being able to find anyone as silly as that may sound its a real fear last few weeks have been really good for me on the whole and I can feel my self sinking back into it again.

05-05-12, 19:53
Hi this is my first time on this site and I noticed your post straight away because I too have had some serious issues surrounding my teeth! I have to admit I have full blown health anxiety now (which I'm desperately trying to deal with) but everything started in 2009 when I thought it had a little hole jn the back of my front tooth. Cue my first ever panic attack! I had all thesane thoughts....I'll be toothless! I'll be ugly! I'll never be able to leave the house! Things got so bad I practically lived at my dentists asking for multiple opinions and never fully believing any of them. By the way there was NOTHING wrong with my teeth and I thought I had black marks, small cracks, wobbly sensations etc etc.... I ended up having CBT which really helped. Most of all I learned that even if the worst case scenario I was playing out in my head were to come true modern dentistry is amazing! They can do brilliant things to save teeth and even if I was to have lost teeth there were still so many things to bs done. Eg bridges, implants etc (we dont think twice about celebs having their real teeth filed off and pretend ones put over the top so why was I panicking about MAYBE having to have false ones put in? ) for the record one of my close friends, who is very beautiful I hasten to add, has false teeth on the bottom row after a car accident. I only found out cos she told me once. I'd have never known! Losing teeth isn't life threatening remember that. I suffered another bout of serious tooth pain (different teeth) and was in agony ( anxiety induced agony) for 3 months. Again the dentist and a specialist found nothing to be wrong with my teeth. Another very long story but I ended up on Tramadol and didn't leave the house cos the pain spread to my head. Neck, face etc. At Xmas time 2 years ago I wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. You know what it was? Stress causing me to grind my teeth. Leading to neck And jaw problems which required me to have a night mouthguard and pay for tons of chiropractor sessions! All this cos of anxiety. My teeth still play me up and I still have lots of pain which i now recognise as the tension problem cos of anxiety. Unfortunately letting this dental fear runand run has sucked me into this horrible hell of health anxiety. Please try not to worry about your teeth. Get them checked if you feel you need to but remember they can do loads nowadays. My dentist told me it's really unusual for people to lose teeth now with all the skills dentists have now. Good luck x