View Full Version : I feel so exhausted is this usual?

07-07-06, 08:17
Hi guys,
I have just almost completed a full week at work after being off for a week and a half with anxiety and panic. I just feel so physically and mentally exhausted and just felt like I couldn't go in or carry on today. When I get back from work Iam too tired to do any cooking or housework and just collapse in a heap! I feel if I could get over this extreme tiredness I would be on the road to recovery. I have been on citalopram for 2.5 weeks now and hoped to feel better.
Does anyone else feel like this? will it pass?:(


07-07-06, 09:40
Hi Mandg

I can totally sympathise. Anxiety and panic are totally exhausting. I am not surprised that you are too tired to do anything after work. If you are in the throes of bad panic and anxiety, then you will, I am sure, need more sleep than usual and even with more sleep will quickly tire. I have found that your body adapts to a degree to increased anxiety but I know that, for many, it is continually exhausting. Whilst you address your panic/anxiety issues, I suggest you really look after yourself eg lots of pampering, relaxing, sleep, enjoyable distractions etc. Of course, anxiety may make these things difficult but I have found that tiredness makes anxiety worse so I would suggest really attaching importance to recuperation and looking after yourself. Meanwhile, I hope you are receiving whatever support you need to help you deal with your anxiety/panic. If you can take the edge of this, then maybe you will find that you no longer get so tired.

I have been in exactly the same position. You come home and you collapse and nothing else can be done that evening. And this happens night after night. And I found that pushing myself to do more was not a good idea. Collapsing is your body telling you that enough is enough and you need to recuperate. Therefore the priority becomes looking after number one! It does get better but don't push yourself too hard - look after yourself!:D

07-07-06, 11:09
I have been on citalopram for 2 weeks and 3 days and i feel like a zombie. I have been on it before and you do start to feel better after about a month of taking them but everyone is different. I still feel anxious and cant wait for these meds to kick in because being anxious all day makes you exhausted anyway. Even when im laid down my legs constantly are jigging and i never feel completely relaxed. I am not working at the moment and i feel so tired so well done you are getting through the day. Last time i took citalopram i felt on top of the world after a couple of months, i was going out again and enjoying life it was great so hang in there.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

07-07-06, 11:35

I'm exactly the same and I'm not on any medication. I'm exhausted all of the time. I had this even before I became seriously depressed and I thought I must have diabetes or an underactive thyroid, but they've both come back as fine.

It is hard to get out of the cycle of being depressed when you have no energy, isn't it? A lot of the time I don't feel like doing anything because I'm so tired and it's a very restrictive way of life.

They do say that a mild illness such as an underactive thyroid can cause depression. I don't know what else to get tested for.

I sleep pretty well, I'm quite active and I eat lots of fruit, so it's frustrating to not feel more energised.

I don't advocate drugs, but I have taken ecstacy in the past and all the aches and pains in my body disappeared, I felt more supple and more 'free', so maybe it is to do with seratonin and brain chemistry that I'm so knackered.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

07-07-06, 11:58
Hia Mandy
yep anxiety and the constant battle with it whether its just mental (the what if it happens) or the actual panic attacks do exhaust us.We seem to be fighting with it on a constant basis even if we are doing well because its always there in the back of our minds and we seem to be on high alert for it happening and it does make you tired.Im agoraphobic and dont go out so dont do half as much as some people but come the evening im shattered and cant wait to get to bed.
take care cheryl xx

07-07-06, 14:02
Thanks guys for your support. I didn't go into work today and have just slept for about 4 hours!
Carol we have been on citalopram for exactly the same amount of time. I am only taking 10mg and thought it would have kicked in by now but am seeing my doc tonight to ask about increasing it to 20. How much are you taking?

Take care all


polly daydream
07-07-06, 21:42
Hi Mandg, I have been on citalopram for nearly 3 wks now and still feel very tired but as everybody saids, fighting anxiety all day is exausting anyway. We should all start to feel better soon!

Best wishes,


07-07-06, 22:01
I am taking 10mg too. I have not had a panic attack for a while but i am still getting uncomfortable feelings. I feel really exhausted and it seems to take me 3 hours to wake up in the morning then i have to really push myself to do any housework. I am really proud that you manage to go to work and look after your house well done.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

08-07-06, 10:13
Saw my GP yesterday. She has put me up to 15mg but said it is early days. She has also given me a certificate to do shorter days at work (10 to 3) next week so that should help. Let me know how you are all getting on.
thanks for your support.


08-07-06, 10:20
Hi Mandy and Carol, I've just gone from 10mg to 20mg of citalopram, been on 10mg for 10 days, took first lot of twenty yesterday and i feel so sleepy, fell asleep in the day and then slept for 10 hours overnight.

Take care

'This too will pass'

Two heads
08-07-06, 20:14
Best to up these drugs slowly!I started on 10mg then after 8weeks went up to 15mg then two weeks ago up them to 20mg.I have had no more side affects by doing this.It is normal to feel tired for the frist 6weeks all so on citalopramxxxxxxxx