View Full Version : I am getting so out of control I am scared something bad is going to happen

06-05-12, 03:31
I have a major case of heath anxiey to the point where I dont even function anymore. Its all about cancer! Now though after I had all my tests done and they have found nothing and I am healthy, I am doing it to my kids! My daughter gets tired easly and often has sore legs at night now I am worried its bone cancer.. my son has been having frequent nose bleeds lately and I am thinking its leukema.. I am scareing the kids I am making myself nuts what am I going to do. I have even thought of suicide its like I am so worried that I am going to die or something is going to happen to my kids that I cant let myself live. Please help me before its to late.

06-05-12, 04:40
hello lisak789! like you i have health anxiety also...many things happened to me already that are all linked to my HA. i also worry about my 2 children sometime...my first child who is 15 now has nosebleeds sometimes and it started when he was almost 2 yrs old. it stopped for few years then came back again when he was about 6 1/2 yo. there were times when the bleeding was too much but during that time i didnt have HA yet that's why i wasnt that scared yet (good thing). try giving your child high dose of vitamin c (sodium ascorbate and not ascorbic acid),,,,my son improved when he started taking it. now he still gets nosebleeds when he picks his nose or his little brother accidentally hits hid nose (my 2 boys often fights).

we should stay healthy and be positive for our children....im good at giving advice but sometimes can't apply it to myself....we're both from canada....i noticed :)


06-05-12, 06:45
Hey Lisa.

I understand you so well....I am exactly the same which is why 6 weeks ago I was put on Prozac....I have 2 kids and I've been stressing and worrying they'll get a disease for years!! My daughter who is 12 has been complaining of a sore coccyx bone and of course I've been worrying what it could be!! It's just utter hell living in a mind with health anxiety. It's so hard to imagine anything but a negative outcome...the only answer do me when things get on top of me and impossible to resolve is to take medication. Things have improved for me and my husband and kids have been getting a nice break from my insanity!


06-05-12, 08:48
Lisa when I was younger I had pains in my legs so bad I would cry and my dad would massage them. Its growing pains x

miss sparkle
06-05-12, 16:32
Lisa, i completely sympathise.
I could of written your post myself. I have got to the point i am doubting i even have ha now, i just think i am thinking of excuses for my symptoms.
I hate feeling like this, but other than demanding every scan and test going i don't know what to do x