View Full Version : obsession over my bowels is wearing me down

06-05-12, 10:40
for the last year i've been obsessing about my bowels. When it all started last year i was having loose bm's every morning, feeling of incomplete evacuation and sometimes going to the toilet 3/4 times. i do have ibs and my anxiety was at an all time high then.

Things have improved greatly over the last few months both with the anxiety and with the ibs but i am totally obsessed and my anxiety rises whenever i have to go to the toilet.

I am receiving cbt at the moment which is helpful, my therapist told me the other day that i probably won't ever be free of the health anxiety but its about learning how to manage it.

Just so so tired of the fear and obsessing.

06-05-12, 10:48
I too have diahorrea every morning & was obsessed with it. I had various blood tests done that came back normal my Dr said it's anxiety & not to worry as there isn't any immflamation in my bowel but I still worry so I know exactly how you feel. I even asked my hubby if I could look at his to compare with mine it's ridiculous because it didn't make any difference to how I felt. My HA with my motions when I heard on the radio one day about bowel cancer & change of motions it prompted me into thinking " God I have diahorrea every day" it worried me silly ...Although I still have it my worries have moved onto something else it's never ending

07-05-12, 10:22
hi carmen,

It helps to know that i'm not alone in this.

I understand about wanting to compare your stools with your husbands, i'm always asking my partner and my daughter about theirs. I have a little boy who still needs help with toileting so i compare mine with his too! Its mad!

Is it just diahoreah that you have or do you have any other symptoms?

07-05-12, 21:01
Hi Rainbow, no I don't have any other symptoms thank goodness & the clour is normal. I just have a need for the loo the minute that I wake up it's then about 2-3 times before I leave the house.
The Dr recommended peppermint tea for my stomach. I still worry about it but my bloods were normla so I try not to dwell on it as much but I was obsessed where as I was scared to go I just wanted it to be normal I do have days when it's a bit more formed ( sorry for t.m.i) so maybe it is anxiety.
I hope that you feel better soon maybe have a word with your GP to put your mind at rest hun :)