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06-05-12, 15:20
Some interesting stuff for those using any of the benzos.....


Remember a lot of this is based on LONG TERM use....benzo's have their place in the treatment of anxiety and have been a bit of a lifesaver for me. Worth a read.....

Kitti :)

eight days a week
06-05-12, 17:30
Yes, Professor Ashton is (as far as I understand it) the 'gold standard' for use of (and withdrawal from) benzos, so I always post that link on here...it helped me hugely to cut down a lot, so very many thanks for posting :)

GPs and even psychiatrists that I've seen haven't even heard of her, or even this kind of taper, I usually end up educating them about how it works - and somehow I'm paying them for these consultations!! :lac:

In the meantime, benzos are demonised, and the prescribing doctors seem to believe most of this very negative press. Benzos have their problems (especially when used long-term, although people such as myself have used them long-term with no problems whatsoever) but they are, sometimes, a necessary means to an end.

I really question whether they do more damage, even long-term, than SSRIs - I don't think so :lac:

I've read that it's quite easy to get the Zopiclone-family meds prescribed still. I have never taken them myself, but I bet they will be the next 'demon drugs' in the press in ten or twenty years, while prescriptions for SSRIs will rocket for everything from depression to acne...

06-05-12, 17:45
I have been on lorazepam for 27 years - and they have been a lifesaver for me - when well I take 0.5mg daily and have never abused them - yes I am addicted to them - was only 21 now 48 and told basically to take them as and when I needed! by an old family doctor.

However I am not knocking him there were no SSRIs then and they have really helped with my acute anxiety over the years. They get such bad press now.

Thanks for that post shall have a look

---------- Post added at 17:45 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

Wow - very interesting so to taper off lorazepam - diazepam is included?

06-05-12, 18:13
Thank you eight days....totally agree with all your wise words :) I have been on diazepam on and off and 'as & when' for around 6 years and currently on 12mg daily for the past 6 months with no problems. As I said, a bit of a lifesaver for me.

Laura...this article works for all the 'benzo' family, they are listed in there. They do get such bad press now, but I don't know where I would be without my diazepam!!

Kitti :)

06-05-12, 18:29
Hi Kitti - that is such an interesting article - have added to favourites. Yes they are a lifesaver but knowing what I know now would have been much more careful but I have never abused them - well I don't think so. Just before Xmas when the doctor upped my Prozac to 40mg it was horrendous - was shaking all over and in a real state and did take 6 on one day!! I did tell the doctor (and tbh it didn't touch it) he looked so shocked - and I said it was either that or A & E! I would have gone mad! I am down now to two and for the past few days have only taken one - so hopefully getting there - but I do respect them - like yourself, but normally have to take 0.5mg but so what! But I don't think I have every built a tolerance after all those years as have never had to exceed 0.5mg (only when having a relapse - like now) but will get back down again.

Thanks for that post - very interesting - didn't realise 1mg lorazepam = 10mg diazepam.

06-05-12, 20:55
Eight days a week, do you mind sharing your experience with the benzo?

I think they are great, very effective and under used. I am on 12mg of diazepam and it really helps. Benzo's are tried and tested, we know what the side effect profile is by now.

I have taken 2mg lorazepam and it did nothing for me....

06-05-12, 21:03
Hi Laura, it is interesting isn't it? Like you I have never abused my diazepam and I am very aware that many GP's won't even prescribe it so I thank my lucky stars that mine is understanding and gets me. He knows I won't abuse as I am medicine phobic anyway, due to some terrible side effects of the usual SSRI/SNRI's prescribed. I am in the process of very slowly reducing my diaz now, not under docs instructions...he is happy for me to continue, but I am doing it for myself. I think that also shows I have not built up tolerance and I am hoping that over the next few months it will also show me that I am not going to be dependant on them. I hope to get back to where I was and just have them on hand to use 'as and when' during any bad spells so heres hoping....:wacko:

Good luck to you and take care, Kitti :) x

06-05-12, 21:11
Hi Kitti,

Good article - thanks for posting. Good luck with reducing the dose.

Pip xx

06-05-12, 21:17
Thank you Pip.....hope you are doing well :)

Kitti x