View Full Version : So scared!

06-05-12, 15:55
Hi everyone again another chemical fear, my mum washed our carpets with a steam and shampoo vacuum last week! My dog then cut my lip with his claw today I'm now terrified that carpet cleaner went into my cut from dogs paws! Please help me xxx

06-05-12, 16:04
It was last week so it won't harm you and it wouldn't harm you anyway so you are fine.

06-05-12, 16:14
I know carpet cleaner is really toxic, I don't know if it's even possible for there to have been any trace of it on our dogs claw but worried there was, my mum also recleaned the carpet after this happenned whilst I had an open wound on my lip, so that is worrying me as well x

06-05-12, 16:46
Ive manually scrubbed carpets with carpet cleaner ..all this when i had cuts on my hand ..Nothing happened and its perfectly ok ..Dogs tread in worse things Carpet shampoo is nothing compared to those ..Your mind is working overtime ..Find something to distract yourself ,you will be perfectly fine as Nic said .Sue x

06-05-12, 16:47
Thank you, I'm very obsessed with chemical fears at the moment! Thank you for your help, I have a fear of toxins collecting in my body and causing cancer, thank you again for your replies and words of reassurance x