View Full Version : Hi everyone!

06-05-12, 16:02
Hi Im new on here today! Hope I can 'meet ' ppl with same problems! Im a very sociable person, and also very caring & usually happy lady! However last year I lost my 2 beloved little dogs (6wks apart) after 16 yrs! Ifell into an awful depression caused by grief! I couldnt eat ,sleep or function! I cried every day for months! Istill do when Im low...My doc put me on anti depressants which to be honest I couldnt accept...I got myself a new lil puppy 3mnths later and love him to bits! but I still feel sad & empty without my boys! Im awaiting therapy but it seems sooo slow in coming! Ijust need to talk with someone (away from fam /friends) so if anyones out there whose been thro similiar situation Iwould love to hear from you! Thanks to anyone that can advise me..Cheers Jeana

06-05-12, 16:08
Hi Jeana,

I've joined up about a month ago and have found everyone here to be really friendly and helpful, and I'm sure you will too.

There's plenty of people here who will have shared experiences with you, so you will no doubt find support here. :)



06-05-12, 16:08
Hi jeana1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-05-12, 16:59
:welcome:Hi Jeana - welcome to the site - you are not alone - I lost my little dog in October she was nearly 14 and was my life basically - loved her to bits and died suddenly during the night - it was awful - I so know how you feel. My anxiety/depression problems came back with a vengeance (I had previously been on Prozac for 15 years and was really well and happy) but it seemed when my little Westie died the meds stopped working. I have never felt so ill and went to the doctors and have been really messed about on them.

In the meantime I have got another little pup Westie - who is lovely - but I still keep thinking of my other one - I have her little casket and candle on my unit in the lounge and still feel so sad when I look at it. My husband says - you have your new pup now but the years we have spent with our animals - cannot be replaced with another - can it? but it does help.

I have been so ill I am seeing a psychiatrist! as the death of her has opened a real can of worms! I really understand how you are feeling and you can always private message me to talk if you want to.

Laura x

06-05-12, 21:05
I have not suffered a loss as you have Jeana, but, I understand your feelings, I have three dogs and love them so much. I think if you are not a doggy person it is difficult to understand the relationship between humans and our canine friends. it's pretty special.
You will get loads of help on this site!!

06-05-12, 21:14
Hi Jeana and :welcome:

There are so many animal lovers on here - you'll feel right at home. Give it time and the feelings will ease and you'll be left with the lovely memories of your boys and also spending lots of time with your new addition.

Take care

Pip xx