View Full Version : just feeling down

07-07-06, 11:39
hi im sorry if this sounds like im moaning but im just so sick of feeling sick!! this last few weeks ive felt so ill i dont think yhe weather as helped but ive had headache everyday a horrible tension headache right across my forehead and if i press just above my eyes it hurts the only thing that helps is nurofen tension headache...
i had this in february and was so convinced i had a brain tumour i had a mri brain scan done..then went on to thinking i had heart probs...and so the story goes on...
my current worry is cervical or ovarian cancer as i have had a few probs down there...i just feel heartbroken at minute i dont feel sorry for myself as there are so many people a lot worse off than me , but i just feel there is no end to all this and my life is just not a life anymore,i seem to get over one worry for another to rear its ugly head to torture me.....starting CBT next week i hope it helps me

08-07-06, 18:33
hi we all get times when we feel that anxiety is never going to end!like you say you get over one thing to be faced with another!!hope your cbt goes well for you!just know that your not alone take care rachelx x x x

polly daydream
08-07-06, 18:47
Hi hun, sorry to hear you not feeling great at the moment, I dont actually suffer with health anxiety but I do suffer from anxiety and bad thoughts which get me down most days, I feel like a different person since I started getting it 2.5 years ago. Just to let you know you are not alone.

Best wishes,

Polly x