View Full Version : symptoms or anxiety?

06-05-12, 18:22
How do you know if what you're feelnig is an actual medical issue or jsut an axniety thing?
I m seeing a doctor but I just wondered. I think ive become a hypocondriac

06-05-12, 19:57
Hi Jenwales
In my experience it's really difficult to say, especially if you are anxious. There are so many symptoms that anxiety can cause, this has helped me and maybe it will help you: http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml

06-05-12, 20:03
I sometimes wonder about that too. If panic attacks have similar symptoms to heart attacks how do you know if you are actually having a heart attack?

I seem to have lost this worry by checking my emotional state when I start to worry about a health issue. If I can see that I am responding to my worry with panic and anxiety I then know that I'm not thinking clearly.

Anything that you think about while anxious is going to be distorted and amplified by your emotional state so you should bear this in mind. Try to save deep thinking for when you're not too stressed and you will feel more realistic about everything.

06-05-12, 20:13
I suppose that if you keep having these symptoms then they would be panic attacks as you wouldn't keep having heart attack. Thats how i try and calm myself down by telling myself that nothing bad happened last time.

06-05-12, 20:39
General rule of thumb for me is that if its something you've felt before, multiple times and survived it, its anxiety

07-05-12, 13:01
Hi Jenwales
In my experience it's really difficult to say, especially if you are anxious. There are so many symptoms that anxiety can cause, this has helped me and maybe it will help you: http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml

Thanks there are so many this has answered my question:huh:

19-05-12, 23:31
Hi Jenwales, glad you found it helpful too. I couldn't believe the size of the list when I first read it! Take care.