View Full Version : Best kind of exercise for anxiety?

06-05-12, 20:07
Had no idea where this was meant to be posted so if its the wrong place feel free to move it :D

Just wondering what kind of exercise people do that may help with anxiety levels? I'm not really up for the running thing at the moment as I smoke (trying to quit/cut down) and would probably end up coughing up a lung

Any specific types of exercise anyone does? Or any exercise DVDs that are any good?

Just feel like I need to get some sort of plan/routine going really and looking for ideas


06-05-12, 20:09
Best thing I found was cycling because its great for a cardio workout and if you cycle out in the park or countryside you get a good feeling from being out there.

06-05-12, 20:44
I agree with theharvestmouse, Cycling is fantastic, you exercise, get lots of fresh air and it takes your mind off your problems.
When the weather is not good, I use an exercise bike, bought quite cheap from Amazon. It is not electric, it folds away, but, it does have a monitor which runs on battery. I purchased the bike because I am trying to improve my health and avoid having to take additional medication. I am taking Mirtazapine at the moment.
Releasing Endorphines a short while after exercise makes you feel great.

07-05-12, 22:11
I like walking because my body doesn't take well to aerobics/running etc. I like to walk in the countryside, through fields and around water. The only issue for me is the weather. During the summer months I feel a lot better in myself and I think being outdoors and doing more exercise helps me in that respect.

I hate being agoraphobic. I long to live abroad, rather than be cooped up for half the year or longer due to British weather!

Cycling is a great idea. I must get myself a new bike as my last one got nicked. I used to have an exercise bike and really liked it, but ended up getting rid of it because of storage issues.

Bobbydog, don't you find your exercise bike terribly heavy and difficult to store? Mine was really heavy and I just never got round to folding it up and putting it away. If you have a lightweight one I would like to know what make it is!

07-05-12, 22:24
Probably anything that burns off that adrenaline and all those stress hormones, so basically any form of exercise :)

Especially ones that make you feel good about yourself, like Zumba or Wii Tennis or anything that you wouldn't normally count as exercise but which leaves you sweating like a p-i-g!

I love going for long walks, but simply getting out in the countryside has a dramatic impact on my stress and anxiety levels, squashing them very quickly.

08-05-12, 02:31
Definatley cycling like everyone else said the scenery does wonders to clear your mind too : ) I also found trampolining quite fun took my mind off a great deal of things : ) hope you find what works best for you! much love - Danielle.