View Full Version : shortness of breath, tingling chest...

06-05-12, 20:15
Hi there. I'm 24 years old, male, and in very good general health. I've been experiencing symptoms on and off for a while now, these range from back pain, left arm pain, left hand wrist etc, palputations (flutter feeling), occasional chest pain more of a tingling and shortness of breath. I will be the first to admit that stress and anxiety have played a part in my life recently with work etc. But sometime I find it hard to draw a link between this and some of the symptoms I experience. The shortness of breath and chest/back tingling has got progressively worse recently, and sometimes the symptoms will occur when I feel relaxed and free of fear. I have had numerous ecg's done which have all come back fine, had blood work and chest xray also which were also clear. Do you have any idea what this could be as I know it isn't normal. Its only adding to my stress and anxiety levels which in turn make the symptoms worse. Can anxiety/stress have an aftermath like effect, where you experience symptoms at your calmest times when everything appears fine? I appreciate your time in reading and replying to my question. Darren

06-05-12, 20:22
Absolutely i get symptoms when feeling relaxed too. I get the symptoms you do and it worries me even more because i get them when i'm relaxed which convinces me it can't be anxiety. Sometimes i think even if you are not directly thinking about them it's always in the back of your mind. I get tingling in chest, throat and face, tightness in chest with pain, can't catch my breath and fluttering.

06-05-12, 20:34
I find anxiety symptoms worse when quiet, you are more aware of your bodily sensations. I tense up on feeling a tight chest or back muscle pain and I feel short of breath. This makes me panic. I think when your mind is occupied you have less time to worry about your symptoms.
I always feel worse in the evenings, than I do during the day, it's psychological.

06-05-12, 20:44
Thanks for the replys guys, yeah honey that's exactly what goes through my head too, I might be busy doing something completely fine n start getting short of breath...which kicks off the anxiety, and i'll convince myself that the symptoms aren't related to stress or anxiety because I was fine at that moment. But there must be some sort of knock on effect, your body might still be getting rid of stress hormones etc thus we feel strange sensations which we get wound up by again which keeps the cycle going!!

06-05-12, 22:14
Go to the doctors and get an ECG just to be on the safe side.

It's free so why not?

06-05-12, 22:51
I've had numerous ecgs that have come back fine...reckon i'm guna get all the other tests done to put my mind at rest. has anyone had an ultrasound of the heart? or ct angiogram or Coronary angiogram?!

06-05-12, 23:14
I've had numerous ecgs that have come back fine...reckon i'm guna get all the other tests done to put my mind at rest. has anyone had an ultrasound of the heart? or ct angiogram or Coronary angiogram?!

I haven't but think that's the sort of thing that would give me reassurance - or would I just move the goal posts again and think of another test I need to reassure me? It's a head scratcher isn't it?

06-05-12, 23:24
Haha quite possibly kinny...although I think this would really put my mind at rest for one final time. I used to get tension headaches all the time and obviously thought the worst brain tumor, aneurysm etc...once i had the scan i've never worried about it again....i do suspect that 90% of peoples problems on here are related to anxiety but sometimes we do just need piece of mind!!