View Full Version : I never know whether I'm having a mini panic attack or if it's something else!

06-05-12, 20:51
I have been a little stressed/anxious lately as, I am unemployed at the moment and I have no work. So obviously, money is an issue at the moment. For the last few nights I've been getting cold feet, weak feeling in my legs, slight breathlessness, but then, I have had anxiety for a while now, so I usually know when I'm having a panic attack. I just get frustrated because it makes me feel useless! I try not to let anyone know I'm like this, as I don't like to stress/worry others.

I am going to be at home on my own in 2 weeks, as my dad is going away for a week. I live with just him at home, and I am worrying a little about it. I don't want something to happen and no one being here. But I guess I will have to cope somehow.

Any advice/opinions on my situation?

06-05-12, 21:26
Your not alone brother, i get cold hands and feet each and every single day, with purplish fingernails...just one of those things ive had to learn to live with. Shortness of breath has also been a big symptom recently with no rational explanation. I just try to live my life as positively as possible by eating n drinking well, hittin the gym going out as much as poss to see friends, I realise tho even doing these things you might experience a symptom and it feels like all the positivity has been undone and the anxiety sets in again. I also try to keep it under wraps, which in doing so actually increases your stress and anxiety levels!! its a real bitch!!

Regarding being home alone I have too been in a similar situation in the past n flipped out a bit. Just let the anxiety do its worst, dont be afraid of the symptoms....keep busy, keep doing positive constructive things and dont let it stop you living your life. Remember what ever symptoms are thrown at you that it doesn't matter because its just anxiety, tension, stress etc...The quicker and more regularly you do this the more scarce the symptoms will become.

06-05-12, 21:28
Hi it sounds like anxiety to me, you are probably worrying about being alone and not feeling well. It always seems worse when you are alone, thing is two weeks is quite a long time though and I dont know about you but I can change dramatically by the day.
I get coldness like that come over me, years ago that was the first thing i noticed I felt like there was a draught and someone had left a door open. It's just a nervous reaction to worry.
As for being alone is there anyone that would leave a mobile on just so you feel like you could ring anytime if you was that worried. Or someone that could stay for some nights ?
Remember if you was really that afraid of a symptom you could call an ambulance, as much as you probably wouldnt want to do it, you could. :)