View Full Version : Mild mild headache issue

06-05-12, 22:57
hi,ive posted here before about MILD HEADACHES, which i thank God have gotten better, but i still get them. as stated they are very mild, but i get anxious about it. for a while i was FREAKING OUT about brain tumors until a few drs assured me i would have FAR worse and more symptoms. the anxiety in general is keeping me from getting out of my apartment MOST of the time. i cant even attempt to socialize because i have such anxiety about going anywhere. its not just head issues, its just my anxiety is taking over. i dont know what to do at all. any advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

07-05-12, 14:28
I've just been through an episode of headaches and convinced myself they were cancerous. Listen to ure doctor when they say u would have far worse symptoms with them. Sometimes if we are anxious and stressed about getting them,we can bring them on which is the case with me.
Hope this helps, and please try not to worry x

07-05-12, 14:48
i suffer with headaches have done most of my life. try to keep hydrated as dehydration can cause headaches.
ino that when im more anxious my headaches are worse
ive switched my coffee to decaff and getting more headaches which i think is just lack of caffeine.
but have a little voice in my head telling me it might be something else which im trying to ignore.

11-05-12, 22:17
i've had bad headaches and mild headaches, i still get mild ones from time to time, sometimes they feel more like pressure. they're definitely from tension. you could be clenching your teeth while you're sleeping, that's what i was doing because of stress, and that was tensing the muscles because the jaw and head are all connected. i wouldn't worry about a mild headache, i just ignore mine if i get one now, carry on as usual and it goes away, if i stress about it sometimes it gets worse. camomile tea may help (though i recommend this to everyone with health anxiety and anxiety in general) it's known to be anti-inflammatory, a muscle relaxant, and triggers the anti-anxiety response in the brain. it's not a cure, but it can assist your well-being. also found listening to music i love helps, anything i'm interested in seems to decrease my anxiety levels. i frequently search for videos on youtube to distract myself and have a moment of 'aww that's nice' too, i think even little things can help. this is one of my faves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU :hugs:

12-05-12, 08:47
Hi, I too have mild headaches every day & at the moment I'm not convinced it's nothing :-(immissnotworrying thanks for your advice I try not to think about my anxiety & drink Camomile tea..HA is mentally exhausting & I'm so fed up at the moment. I had a series of bloods taken that all came back normal I should be pleased but can't help thinking at they missed something. The pains in my head are behind my ears they are like a pulling tearing sensation they happen randomly & when they do I feel sick & break out in a sweat it's very frightening I now have a watery eye so that's another worry. I am on the waiting list for CBT but the waiting can be anything up to 2 months... Violet33 have you had an eye test sometimes eye strain can give headaches.. also immissnotworrying I know that I tense a lot as sometime's my jaw aches so maybe that could also explain the head pain..:)

Vanilla Sky
12-05-12, 10:06
Up your fluid intake , Dehydration is the cause of a lot of mild headaches x

13-05-12, 02:16
The pains in my head are behind my ears/ I know that I tense a lot as sometime's my jaw aches so maybe that could also explain the head pain..:)

the area behind the ears is definitely connected to the jaw, and the fact you mention your jaw aching sometimes too. i didn't even have any aches in those areas, but i woke up mid-sleep a couple times and i was clenching my teeth, so i know for sure tension in the jaw area can cause headaches, in all sorts of places in the head too. tension in the neck can cause them also, and eyestrain too like you mention, muscles/ligaments etc in the head really are all connected.

23-05-12, 16:27
I have eye exam because o aim a glaucoma suspect. Thank God I don't have glaucoma, but am a suspect due to cupped optic nerve. I've been told that brain issues show up in opthalmological exam because they dilate pupils to look in back of eye & ALSO take pics of back of eye.