View Full Version : This is quite a weird anxiety...bbq's/news/death

06-05-12, 23:34
I read about the tragic news of a young girl's death over carbon monoxide from a disposable BBQ. I don't understand how this has happened if the BBQ was out but still in the tent. I go camping most summers and I am now terrified because we have disposable BBQ in our tent which has been used. Or do you think the BBQ was still lit? I don't know much about this subject but I am getting very anxious

06-05-12, 23:48
Where did you read this?

06-05-12, 23:50
It was on yahoo news, so I saw it whilst checking my emails and now started getting anxious

06-05-12, 23:55
Hi emsie,

I saw this on the news tonight, such a tragedy, and I believe something similar happened last year. I think the BBQ was still alight, maybe used for some added heat inside the tent when it was almost out but not quite. I think the message here is not to put used BBQ's inside the tent even if they seem like they are out and most definitely don't use to warm the tent. Always dispose of them once used or leave outside and you will be fine. Hope this puts your mind at rest a little.

Kitti :)

06-05-12, 23:55

06-05-12, 23:58
Thank you kittikat.

07-05-12, 00:05
Very sad

I would never leave a BBQ in a tent to be honest - I would be worried about it catching fire

07-05-12, 19:45
It's just people using a bbq in a tent and causing carbon monoxide poisoning, just don't use it or leave it in the tent.
It's just safety things really. I've been told never to cook in a tent, some people book under a gazebo but I knows camp sites might charge extra for that.
Seems to be happening often but it just people not being safe.
You'll be fine