View Full Version : Horrible chest pain all day!! Help please.

07-05-12, 00:54

So this morning I woke up with a sharp pain in the centre of my chest, throughout the day it has got worse. It now hurts under my left breast and occasionally at the top of my stomach. When I breathe it feels a bit weird, like I cant breathe 100% normal. It feels like a burny sort of pain but not heart burn like, my left arm has pain very mildly and maybe 2 or 3 times throughout the day but nothing major. I have had three bout of hiccups as well that lasted quite a while amd my neck has gone a bit stiff.
The thing is, I dont feel anxious or panicky, well I didnt until two seconds ago, when I started writing this, ironically.
I can't work out whether its anxiety/panic or if its real, if you know what I mean. I have tried to stay quite calm in the hope that it would go, meaning its just anxiety. But it hasnt.
Any advice or suggestions would be fantastic, as i say i am slightly panicking now.
Thank you. x

07-05-12, 01:02
To be honest the only advice we can give you with chest pain is to call the out of hours doc or NHS direct (but they will tell you to go to hospital anyway).

Only you can decide if it is that urgent and you need immediate attention or it can wait another 2 days to see the doc.

It would be irresponsible of anyone here to tell you that you are ok and not to worry.

07-05-12, 01:10
Thankyou for your reply. I understand.

07-05-12, 01:16
Hannah - I am sorry I can't help more but it could just be indigestion but I went to my doctor's with this last week as I had chest pain all weekend and was burping lots and because of my past history she called an ambulance and sent me to hospital.

She made me realise that chest pain cannot be taken lightly and I would hate people to give you wrong advice on here and it be something more - not that I think it is.

07-05-12, 01:36
Thats fine, thank you for even replying I completely understand.
I don't feel that it is serious enough to go to hospital, but I think if I still have it tomorrow I will go to the out of hours doctor, just to be sure.
I think I have had this type of pain before and It was just anxiety or a pulled muscle, but sometimes I just can distinguish between whats real and whats not sometimes.
Touch wood, I have never had heart problemsor chest problems before so I have that in my favour but its still scary none the less.
You would of thought after 11 years of anxiety, panic attacks I would have been able to tell by now, but unfortunately not sometimes. Silly brain.
Thank you again for your reply. Its made me feel better just knowing that someone is there, if you know what I mean.
Thanks again.
Hannah x

07-05-12, 02:36
I had this all last week, it was horrible. I am now getting better. You should be fine :-)

If you need reassurance maybe see your doctor, but I guarantee you it's all anxiety