View Full Version : Awful intrusive thoughts

07-05-12, 01:22
Hi my names Kirsty, I suffer from a GAD and OCD I'm noton any medication cause I can usually fight past my fears and plus I'm scared of taking tablets.

I used to suffer with intrusive thoughts about children but it first started when my boyfriends nephew asked me to take him to the toilet (he was only 2 at the time) anyway I didn't take him but it scared me cause I knew if I had Iwould have had to help him with his trousers ad such and it made my heart race and my mouth go dry so straight away I started to question why I had those thoughts and feelings, anyway it got a little worse and then went but it comes and goes all the time! I have a very big crush on Jonathan Rhys Meyers so I can be sitting there watching something with him in feeling a bit excited and then some awful random thought will pop in my head along the lines of "I bet you start thinking about kids next" and then I just cant enjoy the movie or whatever anymore, I hate these thoughts they sicken and repulse me, they acctually make me feel like I want to be sick or harm myself that way I cant be this nasty awful thing that I clearly am :weep:

Please help anyone who has this or anyone who understands please!

07-05-12, 07:51
You are not alone, a lot of people suffer from this, I've had horrible intrusive thoughts as well. But the fact you are disgusted with them shows that they are not your true feelings. You just have to try and dismiss them as passing thoughts.

07-05-12, 08:23
Hi Thank you mouse but it just acres me cause why did it start in the first place? :(

07-05-12, 08:49
Hi KJ - oh anxiety playing tricks - I have just been diagnosed with OCD and have had GAD for a long time - and I told the psychiatrist I am seeing about the horrible irrational thoughts - he said it OCD but anxiety fuelling them - someone who would harm children would not be upset about it at all.

I strongly advise you take meds for it as I have suffered 27 years (undiagnosed OCD) and Prozac stopped irrational thoughts for 15 years of them - they were a miracle for me but stopped working in Nov and now trying to sorts meds out - have been put on Citalopram and take lorazepam too.

Have you had a chat with your GP or counsellor about it?

Good Luck

Laura x

07-05-12, 09:10
Ive just got a self help book on OCD and its really help me to understand the condition and hopefully I can now start to fight it. Its called 'overcoming OCD' but there are lots of other books available - I just find this one easy to read. There is a section in it which relates to the type of thoughts you are having - it says that you have those type of thoughts because you are a caring person and would never act on those thoughts xx

07-05-12, 09:11
Imp of the Mind - is a good book too

07-05-12, 10:34
Hi, there, I agree with some others, thoughts manifest in different ways and anxiety does funny things to the nature of thinking, anxiety has a way of fuelling thoughts that are most incongruent and uncomfortable to us, try to disarm them by ignoring them, (easier said than done, I know) and if you address the anxiety, the troubling thoughts should diminish, try to focus more on your actions, thoughts come and go, you are not alone, all the best Steph:)

07-05-12, 15:58
Thank you all so much for the support I can usually shake the phobias it'sjust this I hate it it's such an awful awful thing it's weird as well if things are going great in my life thats when they usually strike up I have this concearn that if things are going well it wont ever last so maybe thats why, Thanks again to you all x