View Full Version : Doctors tell me my heart is fine but I can't believe

07-05-12, 01:29
I went into hospital with what I believed was a heart attack about a month ago and after running various tests (ECG, blood pressure, chest x-ray, blood tests etc) they told me it was anxiety and released me.

I had another similar episode about a week later and went to see my GP and he ran the same tests (minus the blood and x-ray) and said the same thing.

I was having trouble sleeping after that and went to see my GP again about a week ago and he assured me my heart was fine and that it was all in my head, which I felt really eased my mind.

Well, I was reasonably fine up until about 12 hours ago when I had what I assume was another panic attack. I thought I was having a heart attack again and when the burning sensation in my left chest area remained several hours later I went to see a doctor again. I had an ECG and blood pressure test a few hours ago which came back clear but I'm sat here convinced I'm about to have a heart attack.

I'm getting tightness in my back and left shoulder, which I haven't had before, a burning sensation in my chest and left wrist and a numbness in my left leg. I want to believe this is all due to anxiety but the symptoms have remained for several hours now and if anything are getting worse.

Is it possible that successive doctors and numerous tests have missed something that's genuinely wrong with me or is this yet another anxiety attack?

07-05-12, 01:36
If the ECG is clear then you are not having a heart attack I assure you.

It sounds more like indigestion to me to be honest.

We are not a medical diagnosis site though and can only advise so much.

07-05-12, 01:44

Logically everything points towards my heart being healthy but when the symptoms kick in (and they haven't stopped kicking all day) I can't convince myself of that no matter how hard I try. Especially today with me getting symptoms I haven't had previously.

I hadn't visited anyone in the medical profession for over 10 years before going to hospital last month but since then I've been completely obsessive about the health of my heart, to the point where it's starting to take over my life.

07-05-12, 01:48
Did they not offer any suggestions/advice on what it could be ?

You need to try and stop stressing as this will raise your blood pressure and stress is not good for the heart either.

You have to trust the professionals on this one I am afraid.

07-05-12, 02:00
They just keep telling me it's anxiety.

Last week my GP gave me a phone number for a therapist but I didn't bother ringing because I thought that chat with him had eased my mind and for the past 5 or 6 days it had but today has been the worst day I've had since I first went into A&E over a month ago.

Even as the doctor was telling me the ECG came back clear and that my symptoms were due to anxiety I couldn't shake the feeling that I was about to have a heart attack. Since returning home I've just been feeling worse and worse, with all the muscles in my back aching and constant pain/burning on the left of my chest. I'm sitting here shaking, clutching my chest, trying to tell myself it's all my head but with little success.

07-05-12, 02:04
defo sounds like acid reflux/indigestion and the doc can prescribe something like Omeprazole for it.

You need to see the doc and get some medication for that I reckon

07-05-12, 02:07
I'm taking Omeprazole, doesn't seem to have done much for me today.

I was out last night and drank a lot of alcohol and have ate next to nothing today, is that likely to make my symptoms worse?

07-05-12, 02:10
I am so sorry to hear you are going through this, I was obsessed over the health of my heart as well for years...checking my pulse every few minutes all day long, it completely consumed me. So many ER visits and doctors all telling me I was fine and I couldn't make myself believe it. I feel for you so much because I know how scary it is. Just try and relax, if the tests and doctors all say you are OK then you most likely are. Maybe they can place you on some anxiety meds to take the edge off your worry? Try and stay strong my thoughts are with you.:hugs:

07-05-12, 02:13
I'm taking Omeprazole, doesn't seem to have done much for me today.

I was out last night and drank a lot of alcohol and have ate next to nothing today, is that likely to make my symptoms worse?

Definitely - will make acid symptoms worse. Try and have something light like dry toast and I'm sure you'll feel better.

07-05-12, 02:14
I'm taking Omeprazole, doesn't seem to have done much for me today.

I was out last night and drank a lot of alcohol and have ate next to nothing today, is that likely to make my symptoms worse?

Oh goodness yes!

alcohol will seriously aggrevate it

no food won't help either

07-05-12, 02:29
Thanks for replying you 3, you're helping to keep me calm.

Eating some dry toast now, hopefully that does the trick.