View Full Version : Need strong pain killers

Cell block H fan
07-05-12, 03:08
I can't remember when I felt this rough. Since saturday morning I have been aching all over, & it's getting worse not better. All I can eat is weight watchers bread with butter, fruit, fruit & more fruit, oh & yogurts.
It's 3am now & I can't sleep as I keep waking up in pain. I don't have a cold with it, it's all over body ache. When I walk I feel like my heads gonna fall over?
Nurofen worked on saturday, but hasn't since. Been taking the Nurofen express.
What else can I try?

07-05-12, 05:59
Hi Sorry you are feeling so rotten, there seems to be a 48hr flu going round. Have you tried taking a normal dose of paracetamol & nurofen together, my gp suggested this last time i was ill, it works really well.

Cell block H fan
07-05-12, 22:01
Hi Sorry you are feeling so rotten, there seems to be a 48hr flu going round. Have you tried taking a normal dose of paracetamol & nurofen together, my gp suggested this last time i was ill, it works really well.

Funny you say that, I took Nurofen in the night & some Lemsip type stuff & managed to sleep! Been a bit better today, But, I got out of bed at lunchtime & my lower half is literally covered in a bumpy rash! Spots everywhere from the ribs down. I am assuming it's a heat rash from when I was hot in the night. Seeing as my arms & head have no spots? Aching has subsided a bit. But rash is still there like mad.
Should I be worried?