View Full Version : just a hello

Pat Pending
07-05-12, 14:23
I don't really know what to say. I need some help please.

07-05-12, 14:26
Hi Pat Pending

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-05-12, 14:47
Hello, I am new here also and I hope that by speaking to others that can understand where i'm coming from, it will help not only myself but others too. I think that many times, we think we are the only ones that feel a certain way or we are the only ones with a certain fear of something. But the world is a big place and this forum has allowed all of us to come together to be a support system for each other.

I am a 48 year old woman, married with 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren. I have always had anxiety, even as a little kid. I have had numerous therapists in the past, but I am working with one now that has a different approach and my approach is dfferent as well. I am talking about stuff that i've never spoken about before..and it is my hope that this time will bring the enlightenment I need to heal.

My anxiety is about being sick. I fear it horribly...I am afraid to take medications because of the side effects....i never have a simple headache...i have something life threatening. This anxiety has gotten worse with two things...1.)menopause...and 2.) ever since my son became ill. That really yanked the rug out from under me and enhanced my fear of something happening.

I'd like to hear from anyone that would like to chat....as i know my friends and family are pretty tired of hearing my hysteria.....

Pat Pending
09-05-12, 13:54
Hi Chris, I'm glad you found this place too.
I'm scared of people, I hope it will be easier to talk to people here.

09-05-12, 16:05
Hi Chris. I know exactly how you feel especially when it comes to health related phobia. Every single twinge I have I convince myself its something. I hope both of you feel more positive soon. x

09-05-12, 18:52
Hi Pat and :welcome:

We're a friendly bunch so don't be frightened of letting us know a bit about yourself and how we could help. We've all been exactly where you are and you'll get some great support and no doubt be able to help others too with your experience.

Take care

Pip x