View Full Version : An I pregnant??

07-05-12, 16:02
Felt totally weird!! Yesterday was day 20 of my cycle (I'm 28 days) have had crampy pains on off but had a mucusy brown discharge never had that b4. Period is due next Tuesday. Also*I've felt like a tingling buzzing sensation where in my uterus! Never had that either! Feels weird, comes in waves! Honestly think I will come on though.
Have had unprotected sex around 9 days ago.


07-05-12, 17:24
Hi Hun , the only way to know for sure is to test nearer your period date , if u had unprotected sex 9 days ago then that would have been around your fertile time of the month ! A slight bleed could be what they call a implantation bleed but it could also just be a glitch in ya cycle . My 1st pregnancy symptom is usually cramps ! I'm preg right now nearly 6wks but mine is via ivf but I have had 7 natural pregnancys so know a fair bit about it all lol ( ps I didn't have 7 babies just 1 a lot of losses) . Don't panic Hun , u may be just gearing up to come on x

07-05-12, 17:49
Thanks Karentia for your response and congratualtions on ur pregnancy now. I think i'm just aware of my body and what i feel, alot of these sensations are new to me. Especially the buzzing feeling in the uterus. Plus the brown discharge on day 20, ive had once (many many months ago) light spotting around my ovulation but that is much earlier in my cycle. I also came off the pill 18 months ago, i'd been on the pill for 15 years and to be honest wanted to give my body a break. I've also noticed that my cycle has also regulated itself to 28-29 days hence why i'm slightly concerned now.

07-05-12, 17:59
its possible of course!!! the feelings your having and spotting.. i had them all in very early pregancy, ( ive had 4 pregnancies but 3 kids in total) but like Karantia said, you will only know with the test!!!! But it could also just be hormonal, Are you trying to get pregnant??? xx

07-05-12, 20:51
Thanks Pearl, i'd like to think its possible, even though at times pregnancy fills me with anxiety it also makes me feel happy too.