View Full Version : Can you do it without meds?

07-05-12, 16:20
So I'm prob the worst of the worst! Tried taking Cit and propranolol but had bad side effect that scared me so stopped taking them.

I really wanna be able to do this without the meds. Is it possible to teach myself I am not gonna die and I don't have a heart condition!!

I've had all the tests all if fine but I'm still convinced there wrong but they can't be right?

Does anyone have any hints or tips to train myself to stop thinking this way, to stop panicking or getting anxious. To stop thinking I'm seriously ill.

Is it possible. Any one else done this? X

07-05-12, 16:51
Have you tried CBT? I haven't but people I know have and said it helps x

07-05-12, 16:57
Hey x

No I haven't what is CBT? I have the 'home assesment team coming to my home on the 21st been waiting over a month already! to I guess tlk to me n plan what's best for me I.e therapy cause I'm unable to leave the house.

I'm trying my best to stop thinking about anxiety and stop checking my pulse every five seconds or when ever I move. And forcing myself to eat!

I'm just scared of these drugs and the side effects and the fact you can be stuck on them for years (no offence to anyone that take then and has helped) and its a long process to get off of them.

I just think I will be stronger and less likely to relapse if I do it without the drugs.


eight days a week
07-05-12, 17:43
Yes, I believe so!

Do some simple research on CBT (another big fan here!) and there is a programme officially endorsed by this very website which you can do online :) To be fair I haven't tried it, but the testimonials are very impressive indeed.

Good luck!

07-05-12, 18:57
wow Morag I can't believe your GP hasn't recommended CBT!! it's one of the most effective treatments for anxiety and panic disorder

the link to the CBT programme eight days a week mentioned is in my signature below - try it, you will definitely take something from it.

And it's sorted me out without any meds at all :)

07-05-12, 19:24
Thanks for your responses.

Do you do CBT with a therapist. Cause I was referred to one but had 4 month wait and had anxiety attack in the doctors and emotional breakdown so he faxed the home assesment team to come to my house, earliest they could do is 21st tho. Not 100% sure what they can do for me tho.

Through the link I found local CBT therapist and gave one a call voicemail tho so wait I they call back. They do private and nhs so maybe if I get them to do sank through my doctor won't have to wait and can go through nhs.

How much is private therapy for CBT? Xxx