View Full Version : Ultrasound done - The Wait Begins

07-05-12, 20:00
I went this morning for my abdominal and pelvic ultrasound for some intermittant cramping I have been having mostly on my right side for about a month. The woman there was awesome and when I told her about my HA she was so nice. I didn't look at the screen and she didn't say anything misleading or scary.

I then had the same woman for the pelvic and she was again so nice but kept asking me to push on the right side of my pelvis. So that worried me a bit. Then after changing in the bathroom I walked out and looked right at the screen not thinking and saw one picture with a little red and blue mark on it. I put my head right down and just left.

So of course now I'm scared. I should have the results in 2-3 days. Help me out here kids.

07-05-12, 20:17
Could it have just been the curser from where she was measuring something? From what I remember, when they take measurements using US scans they click on something and it leaves a blue mark, then they can draw a red line to another part of the organ to measure it and click again leaving another blue mark.

miss sparkle
07-05-12, 20:38
2-3 days isn't too long to wait, that's really good compared to some here on the nhs. Will be interested to hear how you get on as been having the same kind of thing going on for the last month or so mysel.
Try and keep busy, won't be long x

08-05-12, 10:36
Yeah. I know we are lucky here with how fast we can get tests and results. Just such a pain waiting anyway.

09-05-12, 15:13
Still waiting. Doubt I am going to hear today as the doctor's office is closed on Wed. Yesterday I got my period, and it bothered me alot more yesterday than it has in the last month. Today its back down a bit. The weird thing is when I sleep and when I first wake up in the morning I feel really good. Its after I start walking around a while.

Just said. I went through my initial health anxiety issues about 3 years ago and it has stayed somewhat under control under this issue came up. Made me realize I still have so much more work to do with it.

09-05-12, 20:07
I have right sided pain. Its bothered me for months x had a ultra sound .. Internal exams bla bla but nothing came up..
Hope you have more joy cuz mines worse than ever xxx

10-05-12, 00:10
I had a pelvic ultrasound done about persistent bleeding I'd been having.
Like you, I made the mistake of looking at the screen at the wrong time and seeing the guy who was doing the scan drawing a large white line across something. I thought I could see a shadow of something too, which naturally I obsessed about.
In the end, the results came back with Polycystic Ovary syndrome. My friend, who has had a baby and therefore more knowledgeable about ultrasounds than myself, reckoned the line I saw was just the doctor making measurements - apparently this is perfectly normal.

I hope you have some answers soon! :hugs:

10-05-12, 13:21
Thanks everyone. Last night the cramping was way more annoying but then my period is here. So the perfect storm. I took the day off work to just hang with my dog and get some housework done. But it is very hard to keep the "I'm dying at age 39" thoughts out of my head.

miss sparkle
10-05-12, 14:11
ah miss boo. when will you find out?
I am sure you will be fine x

10-05-12, 14:35
Hey hope all will be ok. Just wandering is it on the right side of the abs just above the hip? As i have had a random intermittent pain there for the past month or more and yep it brought on alot of worries for me