View Full Version : Back at work!

07-07-06, 13:21
Hi everybody - I haven't been around much lately because I've been exhausted and concentrating on getting back to work and today I have completed my phased return!:D:D

I started 7 weeks ago at 8 hours (2 mornings) for 2 weeks then increased by 4 hours every week and did 28 hours this week. Next week I do 32 which is what I was on before I went off long term sick in January....

It has been pretty tough and I am going to find it hard to sustain but I am very proud of myself!

My wonderful dog has helped me so much - I got him the same week I started work and thought with my ME, anxiety and other health problems it was a gamble - but it has paid off - the time I spend with him just pottering round the park or in the garden has done me so much good and I have met some lovely new dog walking people (one is bi-polar and another recovering from a breakdown lol!!!).

My tummy is still giving me grief (hernia etc) and I am taking the strongest Losec, and I have gone back up to 50mg of betablockers. I have used a quarter of a nitrazapam every 2 or 3 days to get some sleep which has been especially difficult in the heat with my menopausal night sweats!!!

I keep having to have urine tests done because there is blood in it but they never seem to do anything about it, just keep testing which is a bit unnerving, but being so busy I don't have time to dwell on it.

Basically without anxiety anything is manageable... and I have had very very little anxiety at all.

I sincerely hope that things can stay as positive, but for those of you who know about my daughter in law, there is a lot of stress still - she was supposed to be having a bone marrow transplant this month but the donor put it back a month. This 'mismatch' donor is not ideal anyway. However she and my son are doing very well at the moment!

So I am doing really really well and am so grateful for this site. It led me to CBT which, although costing me (or rather my mum lol) the earth, is so fantastic. I hope one day to use it to broaden my life and travel and give up smoking but at the moment just getting back to work is enough!!!!

Thanks to all of you who have supported me so much here and sorry not to be around contributing much - I do keep my eye on you all!!!

Loads and loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

07-07-06, 13:28
Hi Fee

Well done hun you have done brillaintly after all you have been through im really proud of you.
To achieve like we have is a tremendous high for us both i bet you feel on cloud nine.

my dog helps me so much too i don't know what i would do with him & especially my hubby to be Chris.


Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-07-06, 14:00
Hi Fee

Well done! You are coping remarkably well and I am so proud of how you have turned things around. I know what a struggle it has been getting to this point and you've returned to working your normal hours so quickly.

I am sorry the news about Sarah is not so good and I hope the transplant goes ahead soon and is successful. Your whole family is really going through the mill at present.

Jed really does sound like a godsend and is helping you to deal with all this stress. I am so pleased you found him.

Thinking of you and I'm always at the end of a text message!

You're doing so brilliantly!

Karen xx

07-07-06, 15:49
Fee mate,

Nice to hear from you and funnily enough Lisa texted me today and asked me to say hi to you and Lucy if you checked in.



Dogs are a fab way of meeting new people or at least helping you to be sociable where you wouldn't normally.

You have done so well with the work hun - you must feel very proud of yourself!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-07-06, 15:58
[^]:D[^]WELL DONE FEE!!!!:D[^]:D

Take care



07-07-06, 17:36
Great news Fee, well done:D
love Helen

emma chant
07-07-06, 18:00
I'm very happy 4 you,[Yes!]:D
With love

e chant

07-07-06, 20:32

Welcome back and lovely to see you again.

Wow - so much going on at the moment. Well done on the return to work and coping with that.

Sorry to hear about your daughter-in-law but hopefully things will get sorted there soon as well.

Thanks for the update and take care.


08-07-06, 04:48
Hi Feege,

Oh a huge well done to u for getting urself back to work and now finishing the phased return. You should be so so proud of yourself.

And sorry to hear bout your daughter in law. I hope all will be ok and I wish her well and u too.

Nice to hear you are doin good. Look after yourself.

Take care,


08-07-06, 14:17
Hi Fee,

A big "Well Done" on getting back to work. You have been very sensible in building yourself up slowly.

You and your family deserve another breakthrough now,



10-07-06, 01:51
Hi Fee,

Good news on the job front, hope your tummy feels better.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

19-07-06, 15:16
Well done Fee,

You have done so well.

I didn't realise Sarah's donar was a mismatch. I read the like2like website yesterday and read that she had found a match and assumed it was a good match and got all excited, sorry if I got it wrong but haven't been here to keep up as you know. I do hope all goes well though.

I hope you keep going from strength to strength with working, dog walking and getting your life back on track.


Lisa x

19-07-06, 22:45
wow fee, that is all fantastic!
it's so hard to get back to working 32 hrs, you are doing so well.
and i am so jealous of your lovely dog! sounds like such a lovely thing to have around.
take care mate,
henri x

20-07-06, 22:26
Hi Fee,

wow...youre doing really well! Congratulations on your return to work. you deserve to be proud of yourself!!

Sorry to hear the transplant hasnt worked out yet....I hope things improve soon.

Great to hear you are doing so well though.

Take care

Coni X