View Full Version : Muscle tighness ... numbness

07-05-12, 22:58
I get muscle tightness. This evening I was at the theatre and it was all down my right arm. It feels like I am taking my blood pressure inside my skin ... only the pressure balloon is permanently inflated. This does move around with thought. I keep saying to myself 'IT'S ONLY ANXIETY' ... It can work temporarily. I feel awkward when I'm surrounded by so many people ... oh, and the play was good ... even with this I was able to enjoy it. That said, my enjoyment would be more greatly enhanced if it just went away.

Came home and felt stiffness in my neck and shoulder ... What did I say to myself: 'IT'S ONLY ANXIETY' .... Why doesn't it just anxious itself away ... Believe me - as far as I'm aware - I'm not thinking of its invitation in!!!

Any further suggestions on how I might help myself?

Huge thanks for your kind consideration in advance.