View Full Version : Not being clear in my beliefs

07-07-06, 13:29
I guess not being clear in my beliefs means that I'm lacking in confidence.

I probably do sit on the fence quite a lot and see both sides of each argument.

For example, there are times when I think that I should be with my fiancee because she clearly loves me and it's good for me to have an extended family and then other times I feel tied down by the relationship and I don't feel fully committed to it.

Very often I'm not sure of the best route to follow. I was reading how David Beckham has as confidantes/advisors his dad, his first coach Eric harrison, his fomer manager Alex ferguson, his england manager Sven Goran Eriksson..... I really do wish that I had trusted and respected people like that around me, I don't really feel like I have people that I can confide in and turn to for advice.

I know that I'd really flourish if I had a mentor or coach. I need clear direction and goals and I find it so hard keeping motivated and focused myself.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.