View Full Version : Panicy and anxious today, WTF is wrong with me!!:(

08-05-12, 10:21
Ok so i feel really anxious today and i dont know why, I got to work early and while im super tired and a bit Meh i was generally ok then all of a sudden out of no where i feel really nauseous, tight in my chest and my throat feels like it's closing up, i think if i wasn't so concious of my colleagues around me i would be having a panic attack right now but im holding it down.

I've had to email my manager to ask if i can not go on the phones today as they're really busy after the bank holiday and i cant face members of the public today, she's ok with that but expects me to do loads of offline work and i dont know that i can do that today.

Seriously what is wrong with me!! i came dangerously to having a panic attack the other night too i've gone from being fine for years to all of a sudden being a jibbering wreck, it's bizarre, i went to Weston on Sat, we went on the pier with loads of people andrides, i didn't go on anything but i waas perfectly fine with the people and the pier for gods sakes, i dont like heights and i dont like being able to see through the slats but i was mostly fine, then i have a panic attack (almost) when im at work, WTF!!!!!

08-05-12, 11:32
Hi, I'm the same! I have been doing SO well recently, and feeling fine. But then yesterday I got the weird feelings back again, and I have woken up today feeling flat and anxious, with a tension headache. The day I had yesterday was the first of its kind in ages and ages. Sorry I have nothing constructive to add, but I'm the same and I find it quite bewildering and random.

08-05-12, 12:47
Thanks Grotbags, it is just good to know im not on my own i guess, it's just horrible when it comes from out of nowhere and you start thinking what if it's not anxiety what if it's something else what if i am actually ill, then you think No dont be silly it's anxiety course it is, then you have a lil fight in your head all the while getting more and more anxious, i cant just relax and say Ho hum it's just anxiety it'll be fine!

---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

Ok so i was just thinking how i feel a bit better now the chest/throat thing seems to have subsided but now i have a pain in my right shoulderand jaw, it's like achey muscle pain i think, and it's real it's not anxiety is it? it's actually physical pain but it's come from nowhere, it's like i've been carrying a heavy bag or something.
If i dont calm down today i tell ya i am deffo going to see the Dr tomorrow, i need to up my dosage of AD's and maybe get something immediate for the panic.

08-05-12, 12:59
Hi it might all just be a reaction from doing things you know you are not keen on like with the heights, sometimes you can get like an after affect, I get this.
If you think about how concerned you have been at work today and how tense wondering if you would have a panic attack and the extra work load it is no wonder you ache. You will have been tense trying to keep it all in, on top of being tired. I think that would be totally normal to feel like that x

08-05-12, 13:30
I've just had a little consultation with Dr Google and theres a list of Anxiety symptoms, i've always tried to stay away to be honest as if i know what they are im bound to have them all, but i do have them all, well most i mean i dont have problems with errections, ha ha (because im a girl jusst in case you dont get the joke) but apparently shoulder pain is an anxiety symptom so i actually feel a bit better now, though it's infuriating that i feel like c**p all the time, aches, pains, tiredness, mentally sick, physically sick and it's all just anxiety, why cant i have a proper illness that can be fixed, jeez give me a broken leg or something anything except something that most of the people im surrounded by dont even believe is real, hell half the time i dont believe it's real!, it really gets on my nerves, I dont want to do it anymore!

08-05-12, 16:34
I feel your pain! It's such a frustrating illness. BUT... we both felt better before this little blip so we can feel that way again soon. Whenever I have a bad day I seem to forget that I felt alright prior to that.

08-05-12, 20:34
That's true i guess but the lows are always way lower than the highs are high and it's exhausting just waiting for the alright days :(

Mr Brownstone
08-05-12, 20:56
I had a panic attack just the once but I knew what I was panicking about. I assume you just get them for no apparent reason? I went to a psychologist once and, to be honest , was a bit of a waste of time, but the thing I did get out of it was, if I ever get anxious, or feel a bit panicky, just think to yourself, "whats the worst that can happen here?". That often helps, as does breathing slowly, and just telling yourself to calm down.

08-05-12, 21:31
Yeah I tried that but then I think, I'm not anxious about anything g so maybe it's not anxiety maybe I am ill, then I panic about that, I got home and just felt so exhausted and depressed, it's all really getting me down just now.

Mr Brownstone
08-05-12, 21:35
I find im sometimes anxious sub-consciously. Whether its about getting older, that bill thats just round the corner, that funny noise from your car, relationship concerns, that kind of thing. They're maybe not at the forefront of your mind but theyre there.
Dunno, maybe you are entirely different with your anxieties, but if I sit and think I can usually figure out whats causing it. Doesnt necessarily make it go away mind :)

08-05-12, 21:51
I just know it's been there the anxiety and depression the last month or so, getting slowly worse, some days i feel like it'll never go away again, then i remember that i've fought this fight before and come through then i think hang on i've fought this fight so many times before i dont have the energy to go through it again.
My boyfriend just told me he's worried about me today and i tried to explain that it's really tiring being anxious and tense constantly and im too tired to even cry, my bad days are really bad and he said 'thats why they call them bad days' to which i flipped out and said, but your bad days you dont spend shaking and tense, with heart palps and pain then come home and just want to kill yourself that's the difference!
I dont mean to snap at him but it's so hard to explain without the histryonics.
Im so physically tired but i know i'll not sleep tonight, my brain is running overtime, i'll take a sleeping pill tonight :(

09-05-12, 01:01
Yeah I tried that but then I think, I'm not anxious about anything g so maybe it's not anxiety maybe I am ill, then I panic about that, I got home and just felt so exhausted and depressed, it's all really getting me down just now.

i totaly agree,ill wake up in a morning,sitting there having a drink thinking about what to do today,and then out of the blue anxiety kicks in,what the f--k is all that about :wacko: