View Full Version : fascination dispells melacholy

08-05-12, 13:40
afternoon all. hope this finds you in good form.

my son told me that fascination dispells melacholy. i think he's right. i have spent so much time worrying about the 'big picture' that being engrossed by detail eluded me. when i am engrossed in a subject or hobby and interacting with others i don't have much time to concerntrate on self.

fascination offers an outlet for energy and discipline for wayward thinking.
this is not to say that serious mental health issues can be overcome by taking up a hobby! but to say that anxiety and whatever is full of energy that could be pointed elsewhere. in doing so i am not only testing my character but feeling better about things as i go along.

i never had any time for anything because i was always seeking the bigger answer for the massive problems that i had. i have found out that some of my problems can be dealt with by just living a little more and leeting myself be absorbed by stuff.

best regards

08-05-12, 16:27
Hi Steve,

Thanks for letting me know about this.

What kind of things do you find useful?