View Full Version : cant focus

07-07-06, 14:16
hi every1 im just trying to find out if this is another ocd symptom i cant seem to focus for too long without switching off does any1 else suffwer from this and also my memory is terrible and gettin worse please help any1
luv tyra xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-07-06, 14:33
Hi Tyra
Hmmmm ive had similar for years to be honest. I dont know if its ocd or not really.
My memory has been shot to s*** for years, last night at parents evening when the guy was telling us all the things our kids needed to bring when they start in september i just kept thinking i wish i had bought a pen and paper i will never remember all this! But my memory loss i put down to having kids, its called porridge syndrome.
But lack of concentration is something i have noticed in about the last 2 yrs & yep that worries me a little.
Would be interested to know if its anxiety related myself.
Caz xxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

22-07-06, 14:06

I've had tremendous trouble with concentration and memory ever since I've had chronic anxiety. It's impossible for me to read a book nowadays, or even follow even a slightly more complex movie. I'm also not as eloquent in English as I used to be. These are just a couple of examples of how anxiety has affected these areas of my functioning.

22-07-06, 23:02
thanx guys for your replies im glad im not alone although i have noticed that if my mind is preoccupied with what rituals i have to carry out when i get home or that i feel the need to wash my hands then thats mostly when i cant concentrate on anything else i think mines def down to the ocd what do u think
by the way i wont be on for a cple of mnths going away
take care all of uxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx