View Full Version : Why so bad in the mornings ?

08-05-12, 14:02
Hi all,

just had to reregister here as it had been such a long time since i posted... Still come here for help once in a while though...

So, having real problems in the morning at the moment, until about lunchtime feeling very low and extremely anxious. At the moment im managing to get out and walk - 5miles or so, and so by about lunchtime i feel normal(ish) again.

The mornings are truely awful and everything seems to get out of proportion... Generalised anxiety, and feelings of wanting to escape etc... muddled thoughts and feelings of going mad

Anyone got any tips ? or want to share similar experiances ? Support very much needed


08-05-12, 15:38
I feel the same.Anyone got an answer


08-05-12, 22:07
It has to be a visit to your GP.

09-05-12, 11:35
I'm the same, mornings are awful, and then improve as the day goes on....after analysing it, I believe it's because I feel the day ahead seems like a week and I've got go through all the feelings again, anxiety, can't cope etc....as the day progresses, I sort of think, well that's that bit done, only the afternoon to go and then I can shut myself away again at home and be safe & cosy.....NOT the way to think about it....
I now try and take the positives out of the day rather than seeing it as a hellish drag, try and achieve something rather than seeing it as a nightmare I've got to try and wake up from....change your thinking....

09-05-12, 11:55
Just had a cbt session and she said you should get up as soon as you wake not lie there and brood.


09-05-12, 12:10
Excellent advice, Joy, I now do that too...it was lying there and ruminating that kicked it off !!:yesyes: