View Full Version : Annoyed with myself

08-05-12, 16:08
Ok so i've been having a bad day, the panic and what not has been bad, I had a meeting this afternoon, a union meeting, to discuss the motions that are to be discussed at a bigger meeting and how we feel about them, if that makes sense, there are so many motions that wecant discuss them all so wedo a few then say are there any others and there was one that spoke about mental health in the workplace and how it should be treated, I so wanted to speak out and agree with it, but the panic of speaking up in the meting was over whelming.
I've spoken in these meetings before, im not the shy retiring type believe me but today just the thought of speaking made me feel sick.
I do hope that the motion gets the vote it needs even without me, as i feel like i'v elet mental health suffers in my workplace down today. :(