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View Full Version : Fatigue after trying to go out ?

08-05-12, 19:49
Hi everyone
I haven't posted on here before (only to reply to others) as I feel I am coping a lot better now with the anxiety symptoms. However what is concerning me is when i decide to go to the local shop or visit someone for a short time I have an overwhelming fatigue when I return.
I don't feel ill any more whilst I'm out although I haven't been far alone, but exhausted on return.
Does anyone know what I am talking about ?

I have been virtually house bound since October and slowly recovering, but find it worrying that i feel so unwell when I do anything outside of the home ?

Thanks for reading

08-05-12, 20:54
I have similar fatigue when I have been to the shops, or bumped into someone I know and had to have a conversation.
For me because I have SA/panic, the constant tension and anxiety wear me out.
Perhaps it is similar for you, a physical/mental exhaustion.
I make myself go out and put myself in the public eye, persistence had paid off for me in the past, I went back out into the world and lead a 'normal' life, a lot of stress last year has set me back, but I will get better.

08-05-12, 21:12
Hi there, yeah i know what you mean. I dont really worry while im out although i havent been far, but its a horrible feeling like completely washed out, not a normal sleepy tired. I also have fibromyalgia and people often say its that, but that doesnt add up because if it was then it would happen inside the house when i did things ?
thanks for the reply