View Full Version : IM NEW;; 2cut a long story very short...

08-05-12, 21:23
Hiya everyone, yes im new;; just found u n joined now, love to find some like minded non judge mental friends.
i have depression, also other health problems..some quite bad; often feel so alone.. but i wont go into all that now.
im 34, from uk. im a mum.into anything spiritual/paranormal, reiki, crystals, Angels, etc. love reading [when i can;], creative, n more [on a good day;].
im sick n tired of being sick n tired :(

be lovely to hear from you, iim in need of friends.. its hard when you only have your dogs to talk too;; :) xxx

08-05-12, 21:24

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-05-12, 21:30
We have something in common, I only have my dogs to talk too, but, they are good listeners and never criticise me, they are a comfort.
Can't bother my son with my problems.
I also love reading, 2/3 a week when my concentration is good, finding it hard to read a magazine at the moment with heightened anxiety.
If you want to chat send me IM.

08-05-12, 23:49
Hi and :welcome:..Im sure you will find plenty of help and support here .Glad you found us ..t/c Suex

09-05-12, 18:55
A warm :welcome: to NMP!

Pip x

10-05-12, 21:34
thankyou everyone xxx

11-05-12, 02:10
Hi Ang3lic

Nice to meet you, i'm 33, and like you i like all the readings and crystals and things.
i have only been on here a few days, and found it to be a help already.
hi charmian..welcome hun, i to new joined few days ago, i used to n still am [just not as actively] am very much into all things spiritual,paranormal,dreams,crystals,spirit,psychi c dev',mediumship,wicca,meditation,posative thinking,healing,complimentary/alternative therapys, etc i even practise Reiki, i have done my reiki 1 quite while ago now, its true are thoughts become things n our reality , i can preech all the right stuff but sadly i dont take my own advice;;; so i not done reiki for while, dont feel im in right place etc.. hoping my future is gonna be brighter n i can start doing the things i love.. writing poems/stories, drawing, reading, etc.. im here if you ever want a chat or you just need someone ... same for anyone, their so many lovely ppl on here so glad i joined xxx :hugs: xxx