View Full Version : getting a lil bit worried bout sugar levels and diabetes

08-05-12, 21:38
hello im as my title says getting a little bit worried about sugar and stuff. i have had stomach ache again like period pain or constipated pain but i have been able to go to the loo so i dont know if its that.
Ive also been getting a worried bout my vision being blurred at times no all the time tho but when it does come on i get all ahhh going blind!! :S
i do eat chocolate every day and i dont get out as much i used to for sporty excerise plus i have felt in the past couple of days i was going to the loo quite a lot during the day not night.
cud that lead to something like diabetes ?????? :S
p.s im also underweight skinny minny lol cud have lost a little but i dont check it all that frequently as my fast metabolism burns the food quickly.

08-05-12, 21:48
well just think your self lucky that you can enjoy chocolate and not put on weight :)
Only joking, i obviously cant say if you have diabetes but your symptoms are more like anxiety!!!
Go doctors and they can do a wee stick, thats how they did mine when i last had a diabetes worry. or a blood test!!
How old are you may i ask and are you a anxiety sufferer x

08-05-12, 22:46
im 25 and i am a health anxiety sufferer :(

09-05-12, 09:48
?? ideas?