View Full Version : Strange feeling in body?

08-05-12, 23:25
So since yesterady I've had a weird feeling in my body, mainly in my head. It kind of feels like my body's pulsating if that makes sense. I feel kind of out of breath like I'm about to fall down and have a huge panic attack and my eyes feel like they're bulging out of my head when the pulsating feeling happens! Its so weird, its kind of like a zap that goes up my back and to my head. I can't really quite describe it its very strange but its got me very worried. It doesn't hurt, it just feels weird and its making me feel a bit panicky. Also been having a bit of derealization, it really hit me out of the blue.
I haven't took my Citalopram for 4 days now as I have run out and my prescription isn't ready yet but should be ready tomorrow and I was thinking its a withdrawal side effect? I also feel quite tired too as I haven't really had a good nights sleep and I am also suffering from a cold. I just don't know what it is and it has got me into a bit of a worry as I keep thinking I have a brain tumor or something awful :unsure:
Any insight anyone? I know my symptoms sound a bit vague but its the best way I can describe them. Thanks for reading xx

08-05-12, 23:30
Oh yes it is withdrawal and you are getting all these problems because you stopped it suddenly - which is not a good idea.

You may feel rubbish for a couple of days I am afraid.

09-05-12, 00:07
Thanks for replying, I haven't really felt myself these past couple of days then out of nowhere yesterday I got these horrid sensations, hopefully getting my meds back tomorrow though. xx

09-05-12, 00:16
Going cold turkey is never advised, I'm always mindful of how many meds i hhave left, hope your feeling vbetter xx

09-05-12, 00:34
I went cold turkey off cit too. It was awful, but the symptoms died down after a couple of weeks. Like you I ran out of my prescription and decided to not renew it, but it is never advised. It may take a couple of days when you start taking them again to feel normal. Get better soon x

09-05-12, 01:51
I totally feel for you, i feel the same way at times i feel like im going mad, i feel like i cant breath and then i try taking deep breaths by yawning, health anxiety is a bitch, and can cause all the weird sensations

09-05-12, 07:18

I had a nightmare on Citalopram...I was only on 10mg for a couple of days, I had the worst few days ever on them and they contributed to me having my first panic attack. I literally felt like I was on ecstasy ..... I don't dabble with drugs nor have done for about 8 years.

I decided to go cold turkey on these as well....which was a bit horrible for about 2 weeks or so....your body gets used to one thing then has to adjust to not having it...same with anything like alcohol

Your body's just adjusting, give it a little time....if you don't improve see your GP who can advise better...

You'll be fine...