View Full Version : Brain heammorage

09-05-12, 01:48
I was sparring today and got hit around the head...lightly

I have it in my head that my brain is bleeding now because of stories ive heard about boxers getting a brain heammorage.

I feel like im gooing crazy this anxiety is going to ruin my life

09-05-12, 15:00
Hi mate im a kickboxer and have been sparring twice a week and regularly fighting in tournaments for around 15 years now and it sounds to me like you just have concussion. Ive fought full contact numerous times and been hit in the head so many times in a fight that I feel like im drunk and have to wait a few hours before ive been able to drive home, sometimes the concussion can last a few days. Brain haemorrhages are not that common in boxing and you have to be hit pretty hard to get one so if you was hit lightly I should think you are ok but if the symptoms persist then go see your GP but I think it is just heightened your anxiety. Plus if you had a head guard on this would have absorbed some of the blow.

The most famous case of a brain injury in boxing was Gerald Mcclellan and he had been taking hard blows to the head for years and years and he knew he had something wrong with his brain even before he went into the fight with Nigel Benn in which he collapsed and was taken to hospital with a blood clot on the brain and bleeding.

09-05-12, 16:00
hi - if you were bleeding you would be very unwell, you certainley wouldnt be well enough to be typing on your computer. I dont even think you have a concussion, the human skull is very strong xx

09-05-12, 16:27
I have knocked myself unconscious whilst I was drunk. I fell over a two inch step (which you can only do whilst drunk) and smacked my head heavily on a concrete floor.

Despite breaking my cheek bone and being knocked unconscious I did not have any bleeding (didn't even need a CT scan). Your brain is floating in cerebal fluid to protect your brain from knocks, plus a strong skull and layers of membraines. Being knocked lightly would not do ANYTHING. If I can go through that and not haemorage then you certainly won't.

09-05-12, 16:45
Thank you all for your replies very reassuring :D

Health anxiety is a bitch

Im getting back pain atm on my right side i reckon due to posture and exam stress but my mind keeps making me its because i have a kidney infection.


09-05-12, 16:50
probably right - just posture, or maybe just a sore muscle from training?

09-05-12, 18:19
Believe me, you would know you have a kidney infection if you have it. It's just stress and anxiety