View Full Version : Appetite problems

09-05-12, 02:23
Hi was just wondering if anybody else has problems with their appetite. Since my anxiety/depression flared up again I have lost 11kg because of poor appetite. I never feel hungry, but I make sure I do eat.

09-05-12, 03:40
Hey, yes I have a loss of appetite sometimes, even though I eat I'm just never hungry and sometimes have to force feed myself. They say that your digestive system shuts down when feeling panicky/anxious and that is also why some people suffer from a dry mouth. All I can say is just eat little but often.

09-05-12, 06:04
Hi thanks for your reply:) I'm hoping my appetite will improve with time. I too have to force myself to eat.

09-05-12, 06:27
Hi there,

Yep, my appetite is the first thing to go so I totally sympathise. I make myself eat but I have to force every mouthful down and it feels like torture. I'm currently on ADs and my appetite has come back and I can finally enjoy food again.

Take care

Pip x

09-05-12, 06:45
Hi Pip I'm on sertraline. This is my 4th week taking them. Still quite anxious/panicky. Hopefully it won't be to long until they kick in fully. My councellor suggested I go back to my gp to see if my dose needs to be increased. Currently on 100mg.

09-05-12, 06:59
Hi Jayelle,

I started sertraline in January but only lasted a week as I had some awful side effects. I switched to venlafaxine and have been fine.

I know loads of people find sertraline a life-saver though - they just weren't for me. They can take ages to kick in fully so I would give it a few more weeks yet. I certainly wouldn't recommend increasing the dose until you've settled down on them, though it's always best to have an honest discussion with your doctor about how you feel.

I know how hard it is to get into these meds so stick it out and you'll soon be feeling much better.

Pip xx

09-05-12, 13:19
My anxiety works the other direction. I am a "comfort eater" and put on weight when anxious because I overeat. I have put on a couple pounds during the most recent few weeks of worrying too much. I hope I can take it off because summer is coming. I am getting married next year and don't want to look bad.

I am lucky I have a decent metabolism but that won't always be that way.