View Full Version : Meds, OCD, Health anxiety

09-05-12, 08:38
Hi all

Just wanted some advice- I have health anxiety, and my cbt therapist said I have traits of OCD - but no actual diagnosis (although Im pretty sure its OCD)

I finished my CBT a couple of months ago and it did help a bit - but im really struggling now, my moods low and I cant stop having unhelpful thoughts, I freak out over any symptoms me or my family or even my dogs have!

GP advised me to take propanalol - which I am but only a small dose, I think he wanted me to take anti-depressants but I panicked about side effects and said no

Anyway Im going back to see him this morning - 1- to get reassured again about the breast lump i went for last week - he says its fibrous tissue
2 - to see what else he can do to help me - I really am struggling to cope with these worries - its ruining my life.

Just wondered if I should try the anti-depressants? also ive tried cbt - is there anything else out there?
