View Full Version : Chest Pains & Drs Visit

09-05-12, 10:00
So I've been having chest pains for a little while now & my left arm has been aching (Mostly forearm). I've been feeling really sick for the last few days and even a little dizzy.

I went to the Dr this morning to get some answers and all he could say was that the chest pain was likely not linked to my heart (He took my BP, oxygen levels & had a listen), but that chest pain in a healthy person is not normal. What kind of an answer is that?! I'm not overly worried atm, I know it's not my heart & that's really all I was concerned about. But still, why am I getting chest pains & why was I not offered some tests to find out what it was? Am I right in being annoyed about this, or should I just try to move on from it?

At the very least, I'm thankful he checked me over so I can relax about my heart. I have a few ideas of what it could be, possibly reflux or trapped gas as it gets a bit better when I burp.

Don't you just hate going to the Dr & not really getting an answer to your problem?

11-05-12, 15:03
ask to be checked for gastritis (inflammation of stomach) and see if you can get a prescription for omeprazole (or just see if you can anyway) as they're great for reflux and gas. i had gastritis causing chest pains and gas, that's what i got given, and they really helped Xx