View Full Version : Hey guys

09-05-12, 10:10
Hi, my name's Paul and I just joined like um right there lol. Well basically for the past 6 years or so I've been hugely anxiety ridden. Suffered with depression and social anxiety disorders that led me to drinking very heavily, basically every day for years on end. I have recently curbed my drinking and am in the process of getting sober, feeling better physically and no hangovers which is such a great thing. But my anxiety has risen to new levels with trying to stop drinking and the feeling of derealisation is huge. Also I have lost all of my friends since I have become totally cut off from the outside world and agoraphobic. My Dad and brother are really the only people I talk to since I live with them, I can hardly look anyone else in the eyes for more than a second and it's a struggle to hold a conversation. I still can't hold a proper conversation with anyone for my mind wandering to different places so I can't concentrate and there is no spontinaeouty in my conversational skills. It's a bit of a pain in the arse to be honest since I really don't think I'm that anti social of a person deep down. Anyway, I was just looking for people to talk to and maybe get advice from since I'm not sure anyone that I know would be able to understand and would just jump to the conclusion of me being weird. I'll probably update when I'm feeling a little better. Anyway, just a "quick" introduction lol. Later guys.

09-05-12, 10:17
Hi Zeeko1987

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-05-12, 12:24
I can understand how you feel Paul,
I have been through all the same problems as yourself. I had a drink problem years ago, and when I stopped my anxiety was much worse, but, I learned to live with it.
I also suffer from Social Disorder and have the same symptoms as yourself, you are not alone.
I have lost all my friends over the years, because of not keeping contact, I know it is difficult.
This site has been a God send to me and I have only been using it about a month.
Things can get better though Paul, I went back to work last year and was ready to take my driving test, but, unfortualtely a series of problems occured and I am back at home on my own.
It can be done, my goal is to get back in the car and take my test.
Try to give yourself a goal, something to be achieved, no matter how small it is.
Take care.

09-05-12, 18:54
Hi Paul and a big, warm :welcome:
