View Full Version : Strokes!

09-05-12, 11:02
This seems to be the new thing for me! I know I would know if I was having a stroke but what about a mini stroke?? I just feel so odd at times & for a few days I've had head pain & dizziness followed by a weird feeling on my right side. It feels weaker than the rest of me but I can still operate as normal. I'm trying to be rational but sometimes it feels like something big is about to happen. It does pass then I have a few days when I feel almost normal then I go through the same cycle again! It's a vicious circle. X

09-05-12, 11:10
I get this too. My right arm/hand feel weaker than my left as if it isn't attached to my body. It sometimes feels a bit numb too. I also have dizziness and an off balance feeling to my left. I said to my friend the other day if i didnt know better it feels like i am having a stroke.

09-05-12, 11:26
Hi Zippy - it's horrible isn't it. I'm getting real fed up now. My head feels so heavy & full. It feels like I struggle to hold it up at times. I'm petrified to go to doctors for fear of what I'll find out. Keep telling myself symptoms of anything serious do not come & go but.........:ohmy: x

09-05-12, 11:35
Yes i have alot of head symptoms too, it feels like there is a blanket on my brain or full of cotton wool. I also get alot of shooting pains in my head.

09-05-12, 13:47
sounds like anxiety symptoms to me - ive had things like that too - tingling on one side of my body - and the more i worry the worse it gets.

I know quite a lot about stroke (working in stroke care for 10 yrs) - a 'mini stroke' or TIA would fully resolve within 24 hours - it wouldnt keep coming and going xx

09-05-12, 14:21
Thanks for replies guys. I guess that's another thing to cross of my list! :wacko:. Just trying to make sense of things.
Debbsi; out of interest, would somebody know if they had had a mini stroke? X

09-05-12, 14:24
i think your symptoms would be more severe than they are - so i'm sure you would know and it would be more than your arm feeling weak - it really would be noticeably weak x

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 16:21
Hi Meche,

I assume this was your very first post and low and beyhold, its the same symptoms I posted that you kindly replied with today.

It is so horrible! I wonder whether we would fuss so much if we had the same pain in an elbow or our leg?!

Mr m anxious
20-06-13, 16:28
Debbsi is right, you'd have had a stroke by now.

Granny Primark
20-06-13, 16:33
I had a tia which is a mini stroke when I was on hol. Didnt realise it what was at the time. I was on hol in teneriffe with my family and friends. Didnt even know what it was thought it was too much sun. It was only when I got home and saw the video that I realised it might have been something different. I was 49 at the time but had been on bp tabs for 10 years and there was a history of it in our family.
I try not to think of it too much but I do know that too much son effects me so will not sunbathe for long periods of time now. xx

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 16:37
Hello Mr Anxious and Granny Primark!

Yes, I suppose your right, maybe would have - hate this I really do ;-(

When I had CBT counselling some several years agp, she called 'Worrying about Worrying' is called META worrying - whatever it is, it needs to blimming bugger off! ;-)

Granny Primark
20-06-13, 16:48
LOL son? well it was sun. But probably was him as well!

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 16:50

I hope your on the road to recovery now - bet your doing well....:yesyes:

Granny Primark
20-06-13, 16:50
Aww bless. If your anything like me I worry cus im not worried. I think some people are just born this way. t.c. xxxx

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 16:51
Indeed - I am an Aries as well!! :shrug:
