View Full Version : Can't stop hyperventilating

07-07-06, 15:54

Well last night at about 8 or 7 I started to feel like my chest was getting a bit tight and I started hyperventilating. This cartied on until I had a small panic attack at about 11 last night, it only lasted around fifteen minutes but I was hyperventilating alot. Since then I am still hyperventilating, for almost a day now. How can I stop hyperventilating?

Plus I ned to stop before Sunday as I am running for Race for Life.

AKA Scooter Girl

07-07-06, 15:58
You need to get a paper bag and breath into it and slow down your breathing. You are over breathing. Holding your breath helps but for me I exercise to use up all the air.



07-07-06, 16:00
I have a plastic bag with no holes in it, is it just as affective?

AKA Scooter Girl

07-07-06, 17:25

Personally I have never tried the paper bag method, but have experienced the hyperventilation that won't go away.

Last time, I decided to chat to someone on one of the helplines to try and calm me down. I didn't feel any better during the call, but afterwards I took a short walk down to the corner shop (say 15 minutes) and that seem to do the trick.

Its worth a try.

Best of luck with the race, but take care of yourself. It's the taking part...


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

07-07-06, 18:06
Hi - I hyperventilate so much of the time wich makes my asthma worse. My dr told me to slowly breathe in pushing my belly out ,hold a moment then breathe slowly out of my mouth pulling my stomach in. Also the paper bag or clear polythene bag works just as well but careful - paper is best. Just slowly breathe in and out for about 8 breaths and you will rebalance your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and feel great - it really works!!! Good luck. love wenjoy x

07-07-06, 18:10
Hi Jadey, sorry you are feeling so stressed right now. Don't use a plastic bag mate, if you don't have a paperone just slow your breathing down, read all the old posts here, they always help me when i am in trouble. As for doing the run...wow!! how cool are you? As Ray said, take things easy, you will be fine but don't overdo things. let us know how you get on! xxxjean

07-07-06, 20:39
Thanks for the advice everyone.

AKA Scooter Girl

polly daydream
07-07-06, 21:33
Hi Jadey, hope you have calmed down now, just wanted to say good luck for Sunday, Race For Life, I have a friend running that one to.

Best wishes,

Polly x

Two heads
07-07-06, 21:50
Good luck for sunday mate!I also have a mate doing that run sunday as well.xxx

09-07-06, 10:24
Good Luck for today!
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

11-07-06, 10:37
Hiya all, well I kind of had a bad panic attack on Friday night, my Mum had to come in and calm me down. My hyperventilation has calmed alot down since but I still get a few seconds where I need to keep breathing in deeply, but other then that I feel alot better. Also sorry about not coming her sooner, my internet packed up then started working again today.

Thanks for the support, I did the Race For Life, I ran 5km in 37 minutes. The atmosphere was great and I loved it. I'm going to do it again next year and set myself a target of 30 minutes. Thanks again ^_^

AKA Scooter Girl

11-07-06, 14:43
Hi there, sorry you had a nasty panic, glad mum helped though! As for the run - well done to you, I, for one, am very proud of you! xxjean

11-07-06, 16:12

How did the race go? Hope it went well for you.

x x

Two heads
12-07-06, 10:16
Well done!
You should feel poud of what you have done{Race of life}
I contrubute something to cancer reserch every month,i feel very strongly about it.xxxxxxxxxx