View Full Version : fibrous breasts

09-05-12, 13:52
I have major breast cancer fears - most of my anxiety / OCD is fixed around this. Anyway I have a phobia of checking my own breasts and since my cbt have bee building up my confidence to check myself - as ive never really done it properly I dont really know what they feel like normally. So the other day i checked and found a lump on the left one - but i thought i could feel similar type lumps on both. So I went to the gp in a panic and asked him to check - he could feel what i could feel but said it was normal and that i have fibrous breast tissue and that he would refer me to breast clinic if i wanted - so i said is that just to put my mind at rest and he said yes - he wasnt worried. So i went away feeling a bit more positive - anyway i had a major freak out this morning - back to the gp - he referred me to breast clinic - he said if you still have questions a week later maybe we should refer you. I also asked to go on anti-depressants as Im at the end of my tether - I cant cope with this anymore

Does anyone else have breast probs ?

09-05-12, 14:15
Hi ya
Ill pm you ,im in a very simular boat,
stay strongxxxx

miss sparkle
09-05-12, 15:25
hi, i found a lump in my breast a few months back. i went to the gp who said it was probably nothing but refered me anyway.
I had a ultrasound at the clinic and was told it was glandular breast tissues.
I still have the lump, but have to try and trust the clinic!
I think some people do tend to have more lumps than others!

09-05-12, 15:31
thanks miss sparkle , glad i'm not alone x

09-05-12, 15:51
I had that when I was 15/16 years old. I noticed it flared during that time of the month and shrunk again afterwards. A year after I noticed the lump just disappeared. It's come back every so often but I rarely remember it's there.

My doctor told me it's just a collection of breat tissue, hence why it feels like a lump, and it's really common. Nothing to worry about at all :)

09-05-12, 15:54
Thanks guys x
I am quite slim with small breasts so i can feel everything, and i asked the doc if it was a lobe - he said it was so i was satisified with that, but this morning i panicked cos it feels different to the other lobes and as im not used to the way they feel due to fear of checking them i just freaked out

09-05-12, 21:31
Hi, im new here (suffered with HA on and off for 18 years) i too worry about breast cancer and have been to GP numourous times and always been told okay. I now have a dimple in the lower outer right breast which i think i can remember getting checked years ago but now worrying again. Left breast looks similar if lean over to side. GP said it was fine but Dr Google says dimples should be "checked out". Going back to GP tomorrow with husband for moral support. Feeling very tearful and angry with myself. know i should trust GP but internet says demand further tests!