View Full Version : done something stupid...now worried

09-05-12, 14:08
ok im an idiot and you can tell me off as i know a lot of you will be against what i done but

last week we had one of those betterware or kleeneasy catalogs through the door (cant remember which one)
i left it on my coffee table and planned on reading through, later that evening i was bored and doodled through about 7/8 pages of the booklet

i drew glasses on people, cigaretes in mouths and renamed some products to silly names like 'the granny nosetrimmer', drew silly faces on the bathroom mirrors and boobs on pictures of people scrubbing their backs etc, but nothing personally offensive to anyone it was just quite immature doodling.... these were middle pages, i didnt draw on the front, i wrote it all in a bic pen...

my partner told me that we have to put the catalog back out else they would ask for it back...i ddnt know as i was going to bin it

so i left on my doorstep and i think it was collected a few days ago

earlier today i went out to my car and there was a woman with her car parked and engine running aside my home. she was accross the road from my house holding a catalog & writing something down and looking over at the door numbers (she looked like she was trying to look at mine) she didnt say anything to me as i got into my car
and it took a few sec for me to click what she was holding as i wondered what she was doing hanging about outside...

but now im really worried, i feel bad genuinely and i know i cant exactly get fined or arrested for defacing a catlogue but im panicking now ...what was she doing????

did she know it was me?? what if she knew what house the catalog came from (which she probably did) though i didnt fill in or touch the order form

am i being stuipd or could i really get in bad trouble?? i mean it is her business and i defaced her property as such? she could have got quite offended etc

wish i had binned it now like i was going to. i genuinely feel bad...

09-05-12, 14:49
Hi nok_tok,

I don't believe you'll get into any trouble at all. I often get these types of catalogues and usually bin them, as the last time I left one out it was never collected. She can't exactly sue you for defacing property or anything as she posted it through your door, you never asked for it, and seen as it was in your posssession in your house, you have every right to do with it as you wish. She would have no right to fine you or take it any further.

I imagine a lot of people do not even return the catalogue, so she should just see it as another non returned magazine. I would only imagine she has the right to do anything if you wrote or googled anything unlawful or personal to her, which you say you didn't do.

When you saw her outside in the car, she may have been noting down houses that had ordered things, and just so happened to glance past your house. It was probably purely a coincidence. Even if the lady did want to speak to you about it, what a sad life she must live if she has to go out of her way to talk to you about doodling, (unless she likes your artwork and wants you to draw something for her, lol).

I know it's easy for me to say, but to try not to worry about it, if she does appear to be stopping outside of your house a lot though, and looking over at your house, I would speak to her, as this would be harrassment.

Take care and keep doodling. I do and it helps me relax and often puts a little smile on my face.


09-05-12, 15:00
speckles is quite right in what she has said nok tok

09-05-12, 15:01
ahh thanks for reply, i needed to hear that! i know i really over think about things and get myself worked up about it..i must be really paranoid!

i still cant help my brain from doing overtime now though, i hope if she did see the doodles she didnt take it too personally as it was just mindless immature doodling...

i always over think about things..arrgghh

09-05-12, 15:04
Hahaha I would have LOLd if I collected it. Don't worry I doubt they will take it seriously. A few times they have knocked and I've said I didn't know where I had put it and they were fine. In the future if you get the urge to doodle, just throw it away, don't answer the door or send it to me, i am easily amused!

09-05-12, 15:13
did you ask for the catalogs no you never
dont worry over it how can she prove it was not done beore you got the catalog
i had them i just sling them on my path not a thing thay can do dont worry
god bless

09-05-12, 16:05
thankyou for your kind replys

its funny how i let these things play on my mind, it's nice to write on here as you help me snap out of it, i can get really foccussed in on one thing and read too deeply into things, my mind does overtime on the smallest things, but it was just that i dont want to upset anyone...some people take things quite seriously...

i think what got me was the fact that she was holding a catlogue and looking at my door number whilst leaving her car running next to my house...i just though 'oh no why my house, what is she doing'? i had forgotten all about it and then thought 'oh no! she knows it was me' i thought she may have regular customers and 'tried my address' as we have only lived her 6 months.

ok well i guess i shouldnt worry too much?

my mum said 'blame it on the babysitter'

i must admit i do love doodling on things, it helps me relax...

09-05-12, 16:18
that,ll teach her to put crap thru your door! lmao i might do that myself as some people just wont be told!! I DONT WANT ANYTHING!!

Mr Brownstone
09-05-12, 18:22
As far as I understand it, if she's put it through your letterbox, its your right to bin it. If she'd left it on the doorstep, then she could maybe claim the cost of a catalogue, but how much is that going to be? A couple of quid at worst. i wouldnt worry about it.

09-05-12, 18:29
Hi there,

This is exactly the sort of thing I worry about! It's easy for me to say when it's not me having an anxiety attack but there really is no need to worry. I always put these straight in the recycling bin. The last time someone asked for it back and I said it had been recycled, the woman got a bit shirty but I pointed out I hadn't asked for it and if she was so bothered about her catalogue, she shouldn't have posted it through a random stranger's letter box.

Please try not to worry about it. Not wanting to trivialise your concern but what you did made me laugh. Good for you!

Pip x

09-05-12, 19:46
have to say.... this thread made me laugh out loud! :roflmao:

I know EXACTLY what you are going through as I beat myself up all the time over the most silliest of things and i fret and fret and fret and make myself sick with it. Looking back, the issues I was fretting over were really the daftest things!

the responses in this thread were just perfect! lol!

I do understandthe anxiety you feel about having done something that you think is wrong, but I really think you needn't worry about this instance. :bighug1:

09-05-12, 19:50
Those catalogues are full of rubbish anyway, sounds quite funny what you did.:)